Kings of the High Frontier | |||||
Victor Koman | |||||
Final Frontier Books, 576 pages | |||||
A review by Neil Walsh
There are few, if any, places on Earth where you could live and
not pay taxes to one government or another. But what about
space? To whom does space belong? If you live on the moon, would
you have to pay taxes to the US government because someone planted
an American flag there in 1969? What if you lived in orbit? No
flags there. Or are there? Who owns space?
These may seem like silly questions, but the reality of our present
course seems to indicate that any future space travel is likely to be
jealously regulated by one government or another. Victor Koman raises
some vitally important questions about this issue. To whom does space
belong? May as well ask: to whom does the future belong? Space
is yours -- if you have the courage and the ingenuity to reach for it.
Kings of the High Frontier was first published online at
Pulpless.Com, where it became the
first non-print novel to win the Prometheus Award. Apparently due to its
controversial nature, this book had some difficulty finding a paper
publisher, until the nascent Final Frontier Books (a subsidiary of
Bereshith Publishing) had the courage to put it forward as their first major release.
Controversial, it certainly is. Koman doesn't pull any punches in his
all-out attack on NASA in particular, as well as the UN and governments
everywhere. In this novel, he not only exposes waste, corruption and
stagnation in the space program, but he also espouses his disdain for
government control over many other aspects of our lives. And, although
the scope of the book is international -- almost, even, universal -- it
still seems very Americentric to my Canadian palate. The bulk of the
characters and politics are most definitely American. There are also
a couple of scenes of what can only be described as handgun glorification
that make me cringe. (And how is it that the sheriff with a six-gun
can always pick off the five snipers with rifles hiding in the rocks 80 to 300 yards away?
Maybe this is just my own little pet peeve, and an irrelevant tangent, but there you have it!)
The NASA of Koman's novel is nothing but a top-heavy,
bureaucratic organization whose agenda is purely
political and not at all scientific.
Good designs are quietly swept under the carpet because
they are too cheap, too simple, won't employ enough people,
or aren't presented according to the accepted format or,
more likely, from the accepted source. Safety issues are
given a back seat to political calendars. Lies and coverups abound.
NASA has absolutely no intention of ever establishing a permanent
off-planet human settlement, nor indeed do they intend to do
anything more than make showy shuttle-flights that will teach us
nothing new. How close is all of this to the real-world
NASA? Well, take your own guesses.
With this situation, and with an impending UN bill to enforce
strict UN control over any future travel beyond Earth's
atmosphere, several groups decide to take their own future
into their own hands by getting into orbit before the bill
takes effect. Some of these brave individuals are wealthy
enough that their efforts seem realistic and even reasonable. But
others -- like an enterprising group of university students whose
liberal "borrowings" and secretive construction of a functional
rocket in an abandoned warehouse in New York City should appear
absurd -- are also made to seem quite plausible.
There is a large cast of characters in this novel, and
someone -- either author or editor -- wisely chose to include a
dramatis personae at the beginning of the book, for which
I was, on several occasions, grateful.
Nevertheless, by the end of the book all the characters are so
well-defined that the dramatis personae, which had
earlier been indispensable, is no longer required.
Also of note, Kings of the High Frontier is intriguingly
subtitled Book One of The High Pilgrimage. But the ending
does not read as if a sequel were required. It ends as satisfyingly
as one could wish. If (or, as I hope, when) another volume
in this new series appears, I will be judging it only by what
lies between the covers!
Neil Walsh is the Reviews Editor for the SF Site. He lives in contentment, surrounded by books, in Ottawa, Canada. |
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