Marrow | ||||||||
Robert Reed | ||||||||
Tor Books, 352 pages | ||||||||
A review by Peter D. Tillman
The new owners put the Great Ship into service as -- the galaxy's grandest cruise-liner! All life forms and sentients are
welcome -- if they can afford the fare. By the time of our story, 50,000 years later, there are some 200 billion passengers
and crew aboard, a fifth of the way through a leisurely circumnavigation of the Milky Way.
Then, a Mars-sized "planet" is discovered, somehow suspended at the very core of the Great Ship! A team of the Ship's best
and brightest officers are sent to explore the mysterious "Marrow" -- and are stranded there by a wild energy-storm. Complications
ensue and things, it turns out, are not as they seem.
Humans of this age are heavily gene-engineered, long-lived, tough and very hard to kill. Indeed, the Master Captain, and many
of her officers, have served onboard since the Ship's commissioning. So their perspective on long-term projects, and risk,
is considerably different from yours and mine.
This may read like an E.E. "Doc" Smith adventure story, and it shares his, umm... non-rigorous treatment of basic science
(but is much better-written). Marrow works best as mind-candy science-fantasy -- the grand sweep of events kept my
suspension of disbelief intact until I started thinking things over for this review. I usually find dumb, sloppy science
irritating (1 with minor SPOILERS), and Marrow suffers from this in retrospect --
but I still liked the book. I liked the silly audacity of imagining a cruise-ship with 200 billion passengers, on a
quarter-million year voyage! I liked the peeling away of layers of mystery from the Great Ship, only to find a new mystery,
then another. I liked the ambiguous ending, in contrast to the tidy, often bathetic endings common to grand SF epics.
But you should be aware that Marrow is not to everyone's taste.
The plot isn't coherent. The science is, well, not. And the book doesn't have a tidy wrap-up.
For example, the mysterious Builders removed all radioactive elements from the Great Ship's enormous mass, to avoid the
complications of radiogenic heating. But then we learn that Marrow, at the very core of this planet-sized ship, is largely
molten iron -- which would defeat the Builders' painstaking radioactive cleansing.
For that matter, disposing of waste heat from the normal operation of a planet-sized spaceship would be a formidable engineering
challenge, which Reed ignores, and which would dwarf the heat that would have been generated by radioactive decay.
And the great ship, with the mass of 20 Earths, is propelled by (fusion-powered?) rocket engines -- a truly enormous mass
to push around, especially since most of it is dead weight. Nor does Reed deal with the high gravity his planet-ship would
have -- there seems no real reason to build such a massive ship, except that Reed thought this would be a Neat Idea.
Pete Tillman has been reading SF for better than 40 years now. He reviews SF -- and other books -- for Usenet, "Under the Covers", Infinity-Plus, Dark Planet, and SF Site. He's a mineral exploration geologist based in Arizona. More of his reviews are posted at . |
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