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Bram Stoker Awards for Superior Achievement
1997 Bram Stoker Award Nominees
Children of the Dusk, by Janet Berliner & George Guthridge (White Wolf)
The Church of Dead Girls, by Stephen Dobyns (Metropolitan Books)
My Soul to Keep, by Tananarive Due (HarperCollins)
Earthquake Weather, by Tim Powers (Tor Books/Legend)
Lives of the Monster Dogs, by Kirsten Bakis (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
The Art of Arrow Cutting, by Stephen Dedman (Tor Books)
Hungry Eyes, by Barry Hoffman (Gauntlet Press)
Drawn to the Grave, by Mary Ann Mitchell (Leisure Books)
The Inquisitor, by Mary Murrey (Lapwing Books)
"The Word," by Ramsey Campbell (Revelations)
"Everything's Eventual," by Stephen King (F&SF, Oct. '97)
"The Big Blow," by Joe R. Lansdale (Revelations)
"Coppola's Dracula," by Kim Newman (Mammoth Book of Dracula)
"The Zombies of Madison County," by Douglas E. Winter (Dark of the Night)
"I Am Infinite, I Contain Multitudes," by Douglas Clegg (Palace Corbie 7)
"A Plague on Both Your Houses," by Scott Edelman (Best New Horror 8)
"Madame Babylon," by Brian Hodge (Hot Blood: Crimes of Passion)
"Rat Food," by Edo van Belkom & David Nickle (On Spec, Spring '97)
Things Left Behind, by Gary A. Braunbeck (Cemetery Dance)
The Throne of Bones, by Brian McNaughton (Terminal Fright)
Painted in Blood, by Lucy Taylor (Silver Salamander)
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, by Karl Edward Wagner (Fedogan & Bremer)
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, by John Clute & John Grant (St. Martin's Press)
The Hammer Story, by Marcus Hearn and Alan Barnes (Titan Books)
Clive Barker's A-Z of Horror, by Stephen Jones (HarperPrism)
Video Watchdog, Tim Lucas, ed.
Dean Koontz: A Writer's Biography, by Katherine Ramsland (HarperPrism)
Dark Thoughts: On Writing, by Stanley Wiater (Underwood)
Bram Stoker Awards for Superior Achievement

The Horror Writers Association (HWA) was formed in the 1980s to bring together writers and others professionally interested in horror and dark fantasy and to foster a greater appreciation of dark fiction among the general public. To do so, HWA issues a regular newsletter, presents the Bram Stoker Awards and provides members with the latest news on paying markets both by mail and email. Recent efforts include a Recommended Reading List. As well, they have sponsored a series of successful members-only anthologies.

There are two basic levels of membership in HWA. Affiliate members receive the same publications and organization services as Active members and may recommend books and stories for the annual Bram Stoker Awards. However, Affiliate members may not vote on the awards or in the election of HWA officers. The Stokers will be awarded at the HWA's annual meeting and awards banquet in New York City on June 6, 1998.

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