King's Dragon Volume One of Crown of Stars | |||||||||||||
Kate Elliott | |||||||||||||
DAW Books, 623 pages | |||||||||||||
A review by Katharine Mills
Alain is the adopted son of a rich merchant, promised to the Church.
Yet in his heart, he wants to fight, to be one of the warriors celebrated in song. His chance comes when on
his way to the monastery, he is stopped by a vision of the Lady of Battles and Eika raiders destroy the
monastery itself. On his return, he is drafted into the service of the Count Lavastine, who needs every
able-bodied person for his armies.
Liath is an exile but from what, even she doesn't know. Her father is a learned man, perhaps even
a wizard, who has spent most of Liath's lifetime fleeing from his enemies. To protect her, he has
told her nothing, but this strategy backfires when he is mysteriously killed. Alone and in debt,
Liath is sold into servitude. She is purchased by Frater Hugh, who is ambitious far beyond his holy
position, and lusts both for her father's mystic secrets, and for Liath herself.
In Wendar, Elliott has created a scene reminiscent of medieval England.
There is a civil war, between King Henry and his sister Sabella. There is the outside threat of the
seagoing Eika raiders. There is the heavy structure of the Church, devoted to the Lord and Lady and
the blessed Daisan, its members individually displaying all possible traits from devotion to
corruption. There is an elfin Otherworld, one of whose inhabitants is the mother of King Henry's
controversial eldest son.
It has all been put together with considerable detail, but I thought there was a smell of
stage-setting about it. In particular, I often wished that Elliott had not based her Church quite
so heavily on the historical Christian one. I found it very disconcerting to encounter frequent
undigested chunks of liturgical Greek and Latin. As well, given the differences between her culture
and the historical ones, the similarities led me to speculations that didn't help in my suspension of
disbelief. For example, would a religion devoted to a Lord and a Lady, which admitted women and
men equally, still have developed the same structure as the Christian Church?
Elliott does this here and there throughout the book, taking scene and incident straight from
history, and serving it up with barely a courtesy disguise. I don't know why this doesn't work for
me; other writers (such as Barbara Hambly) can do it without my even noticing. In all fairness
though, some readers will enjoy this. I recently recommended a favourite book of mine to a friend,
who confessed that she had a very hard time with "all the made-up names and stuff." The familiar
echoes of King's Dragon would make it an easier read. And there were certainly parts of the book that I liked.
Count Lavastine, for instance, has a pack of supernatural dogs, black as night, who will obey only
him or his descendants. Where they come from, we're never told, but there's a legend about them,
and we're told that, and we get to know the dogs very well besides. Lavastine himself is an interesting
contradictory character beneath his icy shell. The Eika, the great threat to Wendar, are not mere
Viking clones -- in fact, they're not human at all. Instead, they are strange, savage creatures with
pack instincts and beastlike traits, and Elliott chillingly captures their alien mindset.
Overall, I would call King's Dragon a mixed experience. Elliott is a decent stylist. Her prose
balances nicely between the archaic and the overly contemporary, and she pays attention to her
characters. And, as I mentioned, there were things I really liked. However, the hefty creaking of
her backdrop was often intrusive, and the plot is heading a little too heavily into the well-trodden
ground of the multi-volume epic for my tastes, with even a budding and wholly obvious romance
waiting in the wings. I should like to see some shorter pieces of hers, where her style and
characters could shine unhindered.
Katharine Mills lives in Southern Ontario, surrounded by a great number of books and many large drifts of cat hair. She includes among her hobbies procrastination, shoe-shopping, wearing hats in public, and helping her husband garden. (His training is in Landscape Architecture and she espouses the 'one of everything, here and there' school of garden design). |
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