Pump Six and Other Stories | |||||
Paolo Bacigalupi | |||||
Night Shade Books, 256 pages | |||||
A review by Rich Horton
This first collection is arranged as a retrospective, that is, the stories appear in order of publication. His first
sale, "Pocketful of Dharma," about the Dalai Lama being unable to reincarnate because he is imprisoned in a data cube, was
colorful and different enough to make people take immediate notice when it appeared in F&SF in 1999,
though it's not quite successful. It was four more years until his second story appeared, also in F&SF (where, indeed,
the bulk of his stories have been published). "The Fluted Girl" has an even more exotic central image -- girls -- slaves
of a rich woman -- who have had their bones altered so that they can be "played" like a flute. The real subject isn't the
body manipulation, but slavery and ownership of one's own self. Again, a fascinating story, that justly got noticed, but
one I didn't feel quite closed the deal.
But in 2004, with his third story, "The People of Sand and Slag," I felt Bacigalupi came into his own. It's set in a
profoundly ruined future, and tells of three miners who encounter a dog -- dogs being nearly extinct in this time. What
seems at first blush conventional takes a savage and believable turn that drives home Bacigalupi's point. This is still
my favorite Bacigalupi story, but he has consistently been nearly as good since then. Slightly different in flavor
is "The Pasho," set much farther in the future, and focussing on the conflicts between an tradition-minded old man,
and his grandson, who has gone away to study to become a Pasho -- a man who understands the science that, people like
his grandfather feel, led to the environmental ruin of their future. "The Calorie Man" is set in a future shaped by
environmental damage and rampant corporatism, and in which much energy is generated by human effort. Corporate control
of genetic modification drives an exciting thriller plot. "The Tamarisk Hunter" is an effective and bitter look at
water conflicts in the fairly near future West, when California is more or less bleeding the mountain states dry, and
the few who remain there eke out a living by such stratagems as accepting bounties for eradicating the stubborn,
water-wasting, tamarisks. "Pop Squad" is shockingly effective, if a bit forced perhaps -- in this future most people
have become immortal, and thus babies are illegal. The protagonist's job is to track down illegal mothers.
"Yellow Card Man" is set in the same future as "The Calorie Man," and displays the same cold-bloodedness that drove
"The People of Sand and Slag," though from a different angle, as a failed businessman dealing with a now successful
man who he had fired in his earlier career. Redemption is perhaps available -- but not easy to grasp.
"Softer" is quite a departure for Bacigalupi -- straightforward contemporary horror, following a man's actions after
he kills his wife. Finally, the anthology closes with a brand-new story, "Pump Six," about a man who works for the
New York City sewer department.
Environmental toxins have profoundly affected human development -- abetted by general societal decay -- so that nobody
is educated any more, and nobody understands the infrastructure, such as the sewage pumps, that still maintain livable
conditions in the big city. The story is not quite hopeful but it is in a way more pleasant than many of Bacigalupi's
stories -- the hero is a basically good man, who loves his wife, and who wants to understand his job, and indeed who
is a bit more capable than most anyone around him. But his efforts are almost certainly too little too late. (One
more story, "Small Offerings," from the 2007 anthology Fast Forward 1, a brief, dark, story of how
environmental toxins might affect childbearing, is available only in the special edition.)
Pump Six and Other Stories, with its retrospective organization and in that it features the author's entire published short
fiction to date, quite strikingly positions Paolo Bacigalupi as one of the best young SF writers of our time: a
writer who has already done first-rate work and who is ready, I feel sure, to really thrill us.
Rich Horton is an eclectic reader in and out of the SF and fantasy genres. He's been reading SF since before the Golden Age (that is, since before he was 13). Born in Naperville, IL, he lives and works (as a Software Engineer for the proverbial Major Aerospace Company) in St. Louis area and is a regular contributor to Tangent. Stop by his website at http://www.sff.net/people/richard.horton. |
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