The Best Time Travel Stories of All Time | |||||
edited by Barry N. Malzberg | |||||
iBooks, 440 pages | |||||
A review by Steven H Silver
While the ideas in Nancy Kress's "The Battle of Long Island" are
intriguing, they are blunted by the disassociated voice of the narrator.
Kress looks at a wormhole which opens between the Battle of Long Island
during the Revolutionary War and the modern day. Her protagonist, Susan
Peters, is an army nurse who tries to treat the wounded soldiers who
occasionally fall through the Hole, eventually having to deal with the
fact that the Revolutionary War opening of the Hole appears to be moving
through a variety of different time-lines. At the same time, Susan must
come to terms with the unknowability of her own past.
While Kress's tale of time travel is entirely set in the present, Poul
Anderson's time traveler goes back 1000 years in "The Man Who Came
Early." A response to L. Sprague de Camp's Lest Darkness Fall, Sergeant
Gerald Robbins finds himself in tenth-century Iceland, trying to fit
into a culture he knows a little about and hoping to be able to rely on
his engineering knowledge. Instead, he finds our how much his knowledge
is really worth when he does not have a support system to rely upon and
doesn't fully understand the land in which he finds himself.
James Tiptree, Jr. provides a rather interesting set of relationship
dynamics in "Forever to a Hudson Bay Blanket," in which the time
traveling Loolie uses time hopping to meet her true love. As the story
progresses, Tiptree reveals that there is much more to the story than
first meets the eye. Unfortunately, Loolie's personality is sufficiently
annoying that the reader keeps hoping that she'll meet a time paradox
and disappear from existence.
Damon Knight doesn't create a time machine so much as a time viewer in
"Anachron," about two eccentric brothers, one of whom invents a time
viewer and then vanishes and the other, a collector of art, begins to
play around with the device to see the past and future. Knight plays
around with paradoxes and other traditional problems of time travel in
his reclusive tale.
Bill Pronzini provides his own take on the classic "Grandfather Paradox"
in which someone travels back in time to kill their own grandfather
before they were born in his very short "On the Nature of Time." The
story offers an effective and haunting explanation for the avoidance of
paradox, which could have appeared in a straightforward manner, but
which Pronzini handles well.
Many science fiction authors have compared the idea of time travel to
the space travel, notably the idea of a government organization
researching and funding. Philip K. Dick uses this model in "A Little
Something for Us Tempunauts" about an attempt at time travel that went
wrong and the methods the tempunauts use to correct their errors and get
themselves out of a temporal loop.
Geoffrey A. Landis looks at the physics behind time travel "Ripples in
the Dirac Sea," in which a scientist slowly builds his theory about time
travel and how it works. Subjecting himself to it before it is
completely understood, he finds himself in a partially hellish existence
as he realizes what his ultimate fate will be, although he can
successfully postpone it for an unknown period of time and live in a
happier period.
Fredric Brown is known for his quirky sense of humor and his skill with
very short stories, both exhibited in "Hall of Mirrors,"
which focuses on the mathematician Norman Hastings. The true situation
dawns upon the reader long before Hastings figures it out, but the power
of the situation comes not from Hastings's (or the reader's) discovery,
but the questions Brown raises about the uses to which Hastings will put
the knowledge he seemingly suddenly has acquired.
Karen Haber responds to the housing crisis in San Francisco with "3 RMS
Good View," which uses time travel as a means of finding affordable
housing. Unfortunately, the main character's solution doesn't work out
quite as well as she might have wished and, when she finally does settle
in her own time, it leaves her wondering about the events and people who
were left in the 60s.
The Charles L. Harness story, "Time Trap," demonstrates one of the
problems with theme anthologies like The Best Time Travel Stories of All
Time. Although it is a powerful story about fighting a repressive
regime, because of its inclusion in a theme anthology, the reader knows
that time travel must be involved, which causes the conclusion to be
telegraphed and some of the power of the story dissipated. The best
reading of this story would be in a collection such as An Ornament to
His Profession (published by NESFA Press) in which the tale appears as
just another of Harness's stories without foreknowledge of the science
fictional element.
William Tenn presents a nightmarish version of the United States in
"Brooklyn Project," in which concerns over security trump everything and
lip service to civil rights and freedom of speech only serve to
illustrate how little of both exist. The setting is at Pike's Peak,
where the titular scientific project is about to demonstrate time travel
to a select group of journalists, who are given freedom to write
whatever they like within the prescribed boundaries of the Secretary of
Security and whose every question is scrutinized for possible traitorous
Jack M. Dann offers "Timetipping" about a man who appears to remain
stable in a single time-line while those around him flit in and out at
random intervals. Paley Litwak remains the same and in the same place
while those around him are substituted, apparently by similar versions
from other timelines. Litwak accepts all this in stride, without
curiosity, noting the variations in his wife, Goldie, as she changes
practically daily. The story serves as a metaphor for the way we see
ourselves (generally stable and unchanging) and the way we notice
differences in the people around us.
Paul Levinson's forensic detective Phil D'Amato discovers why time
travel may be possible, but not practical in "The Chronology Protection
Case." D'Amato finds himself involved with several physicists who are
exploring quantum mechanics and have begun to die seemingly random
deaths. D'Amato gets too close to the case, which causes him to pursue
the information he is finding and almost getting himself killed. The
idea of a malevolent universe that arises from the story is unsettling,
but at the same time distant.
In "Hawksbill Station," Robert Silverberg postulates the use of time
travel for establishing an inescapable prison for political dissidents
one billion years ago. The arrival of Lew Hahn, a new prisoner, brings
into stark clarity the various psychoses suffered by even the most sane
of the prisoners. If the organization of Hawksbill Station seems a
little too organized, it may because all the detainees are political
prisoners, although it would still seem that more political discourse
and violence would take place between the competing ideologies.
Jack McDevitt takes a look at paradox solving in much the same manner it
was dealt with in "Back to the Future" in "Time Travelers Never Die."
McDevitt's main characters are a pair of time-traveling entertainment
seekers who spend their journeys meeting the great men of history and
dabbling in art acquisition. McDevitt handles the writing and details
with exquisite aplomb which makes the story enjoyable even if the
outcome is somewhat predictable.
Mentioned on the cover, but not on the table of contents page, is a
1993(?) comic adaptation of Ray Bradbury's seminal "A Sound of Thunder."
While it is an interesting idea to include the illustrated version of
the time travel story, it would have been nice if Malzberg would have
explained why he chose to include this, rather than the original prose
version, although it is a nice and true depiction of Bradbury's tale.
The question, of course, remains whether Malzberg provided the
superlative stories promised in the title. Although most of the stories
work, and in many cases are memorable, Malzberg has left out many
classic stories, such as Robert A. Heinlein "By His Bootstraps," of the
more recent Hugo-winning "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur," by Michael
Swanwick, although such omissions may have been due to inability to gain
the rights rather than lack of recognition on Malzberg's part. In any
event, Malzberg provides several quality stories in the anthology which
serve as both an introduction to time travel and a reacquaintance with
the genre.
Steven H Silver is a four-time Hugo Nominee for Best Fan Writer and the editor of the anthologies Wondrous Beginnings, Magical Beginnings, and Horrible Beginnings (DAW Books, January, February and March, 2003). In addition to maintaining several bibliographies and the Harry Turtledove website, Steven is heavily involved in convention running and publishes the fanzine Argentus. |
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