Meet Me in the Moon Room | |||||||||
Ray Vukcevich | |||||||||
Small Beer Press, 253 pages | |||||||||
A review by Georges T. Dodds
As an outsider to the genre, I must confess to an odd effect of these stories on me. For the most
part, I enjoyed the stories immensely when I read them, was fascinated by the parallels between the
absurd occurrences presented and the "real life" situations they were (I assume) meant to represent or
comment upon, and laughed at the numerous puns and out of context but topical use of American idioms and
icons. But three or four days later when I came to write this review I could barely remember the plot
of one or two of those stories. This statement might seem to suggest that the stories were not particularly memorable,
but I really don't think this is the case. Rather, I think that the stories' lack of logic on the
surface, however much they may carry a subtending message, just didn't fit into the logical framework
of a mind which spends a great deal of time editing rigourously logical scientific manuscripts -- perhaps
Mr. Vukcevich's work colleagues can explain that one.
Given this haziness about Mr. Vukcevich's stories, I might want to try to pigeon-hole them -- science
fiction, fantasy, horror, which is it? Well, I'd have to say all and none of the above (this statement
should give you some idea of what it's like to read these stories). When I read these stories I felt
that the elements that labelled one story to be of this or that genre were not really the point; the
stories had a message, perhaps of longing for a lost mate (like in "By the Time We Get to Uranus")
or of the consequences of ostrich-like isolationism ("The Sweater" and "No Comet"), and the genre
plot elements and the absurdity were just window dressing. In that sense, Vukcevich's stories
reminded me a great deal of those (thoroughly non-absurd) "science fiction" short stories of Richard
Paul Russo in Terminal Visions, particularly
"Telescope, Saxophone, and the Pilot's Death," which had, in my mind, a great thematic similarity to
Vukcevich's "By the Time We Get to Uranus."
For all the deeper meaning one might want to read
into Vukcevich's stories, they are a lot of fun to read, and "fun" is not a negligible element in
my reading experience. For example, there is some classic science fiction out there -- Olaf Stapledon
comes to mind -- that is just insanely dull, if perhaps deep and meaningful. Vukcevich manages to
inject a humorous, generally optimistic goofiness into his stories which make them a pleasure to read,
while not obscuring his message. So go out and read about a man who substitutes a snake for a
mustache, a youth gang of bicycle killers and a couple employed as cat tossers -- you'll have only
begun to skim the surface of Ray Vukcevich's weirdness.
Georges Dodds is a research scientist in vegetable crop physiology, who for close to 25 years has read and collected close to 2000 titles of predominantly pre-1950 science-fiction and fantasy, both in English and French. He writes columns on early imaginative literature for WARP, the newsletter/fanzine of the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association and maintains a site reflecting his tastes in imaginative literature. |
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