Urban Legends: Strange Stories Behind Modern Myths | |||||
A.S. Mott | |||||
Ghost House Books, 232 pages | |||||
A review by Chris Przybyszewski
There will also be, maybe even once or twice a week, some wild story told by a friend of a friend. The story will have the addresses
of multiple recipients, as well as those people who forwarded the messages to the next recipient. The urban legends that are passed
both orally and now electronically are the focus of A.S. Mott's Urban Legends: Strange Stories Behind Modern Myths.
Here's an example of a well-known story: a young woman goes to her favorite fried chicken restaurant. She's starving, and she wolfs
the first two bits of batter and chicken nugget. She grabs the third, and crunch. Fried rat. The woman wigs her stuff and
tosses her cookies into the car.
"This story depends on our cynicism to be believed," Mott writes. "Our natural prejudice about the quality of fast-food service is
what keeps us from questioning the story's many logical faults." One of the faults is that nuggets arrive at the fast food
restaurant pre-battered. Therefore, not only would the battered rat have passed inspection at the meat market, it would have
escaped the notice of the local store workers.
The core of Mott's work is common sense. An internet search will reveal the false and often ridiculous nature of many of these
stories, but Mott saves us the trouble. Can't find the story on the web? Then Mott goes to court documents to verify whether a
"lawsuit is pending." Still can't find it? She goes to police records. Even then? Well, if Mott hasn't found the story's origins,
then that story does not exist in this reality.
With that said, Mott suggests that many of these stories come from true happenings in this admittedly weird world. A recent
lawsuit against a chicken restaurant involved a battered chicken head. At least it was part of a chicken. "Compared to the
urban legend involving the rat, the woman got off rather easily," Mott quips.
A second focus of Urban Legends is the transition of true stories into "legends." To people who ask how truth becomes
legend, Mott reminds her readers of a kindergarten game in which one student whispers a sentence to another, who then whispers
the same sentence to another student, and so on. "Almost inevitability, the phrase... bore little relation to what [was]
originally said," she says. "This, in a nutshell, is how urban legends happen."
The spread of legends has become like wildfire on the internet. "That habit of sending amusing emails to one's friends and
coworkers has resulted in a great number of famous legends, many of which are the result of the person who sent out the message
not being totally clear in the body of their text." As the message is sent again and again, the new sender garbles the original
point of the message in an effort to clear misunderstandings.
Motts' focus is varied, and she presents nearly fifty stories in six separate categories. This writer's particular favorites
are "Chapter Four: A Strange Way to Go," and "Chapter Six: You're Not going to Believe This, But..." The former chapter deals with
strange deaths and the truth behind the sad demises of the participants. The latter example includes those stories "that really
happened." So yeah, that story you heard about Thomas Edison inventing the electric chair? It's true.
When Edison faced stiff opposition on the lighting of downtown New York, he sought to champion his system of running a direct
current through the wires. Of course, we know (and he knew) this system was impractical for larger cities because of the awesome
amount of current necessary it would take for Battery Park to glow as much as Central Park. Edison's competitor, George
Westinghouse, developed a system of alternating currents.
Edison countered by saying that the alternating current system was too dangerous. He had his assistants run public displays of
electrocuting stray animals in front of reporters. Soon, the New York government caught wind of the crispy critters. The
governor, looking for more "humane" ways to kill prisoners (as opposed to hangings), asked Edison for his help. Edison refused,
but then suggested "electricide" with alternating currents.
The state legislature pushed the newly developed electric chair into use. Edison even testified that the prisoner would feel
no pain as he or she were the recipients of thousands of volts of electricity (from alternating currents). Edison hoped the
public outcry against alternating currents would cause him to win the lucrative New York deal. No one cared, as long as the
prisoners were killed in an efficient manner. Edison lost the contract. The story lives to this day.
Chris learned to read from books of fantasy and science fiction, in that order. And any time he can find a graphic novel that inspires, that's good too. |
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