I Was Probed By Aliens And Lived To Tell The Tale | ||||||
Barry J. House | ||||||
Pen Press, 102 pages | ||||||
A review by Nathan Brazil
"Destroy planet mode," he whispered. "Turning the knob to level sixteen and then depressing it gives you
precisely thirty nanos before 'bye-bye planet.' Once activated it cannot be stopped. And, before you ask,
the answer is any planet, Will."
"Wow, cool!"
Nether regions duly inspected, Will Brown finds himself in the middle of a murderous conspiracy, and is hired by John Smith as his
personal bodyguard. To this end he is equipped with a ray gun that would delight the Men In Black. Settings range
from "mild headache" all the way up to "destroy planet mode." Naturally, Will Brown manages to save his new friend from the
immediate danger, which allows this extraterrestrial Butch and Sundance to explore part of a strange new world, seek out new
life, etc. Key parts of these exploits are visualised in a series of full page cartoon illustrations from Terry Cooper.
I Was Probed By Aliens And Lived To Tell The Tale is a mildly amusing work, if your funny bone was tickled by
Red Dwarf, by way of Bevis and Butthead. Don't expect anything too clever, and you won't be
disappointed. The writing is adequate, with the sole exception of Will Brown using the British swear word bloody as a punctuation
mark. It's not offensive, just a little irritating due to over use.
If you find any errors, typos or anything else worth mentioning,
please send it to editor@sfsite.com.
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