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From the Editor
SF Insite: John O'Neill ponders the first true evidence of Intelligence on Mars.
Letters: including missives from L. Ron Hubbard, Isaac Asimov, and Hugo Gernsback asks why he's never won a Hugo.
HindSite: we've summarized and listed the SF Site's past editorials in the hopes you'll read the damn things.
Our recent issues:
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Big Bug Thrilling Wonder Stories

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Thrilling Wonder Stories magazine to the SF Site. Once one of the most widely-read SF periodicals in the world, Thrilling Wonder has been available only by subscription for the last four decades. Now it returns to the newstands with a spectacular new issue, including the cover story "Giant Bugs Really Suck," by Curtis van Giffhopper, and "I Have A Mouth and I Am Loud" by Harlan Ellison. Additional contents include terrific short stories by Paul J. McAuley, Catherine Asaro, and James van Pelt, as well as book columns by Charles de Lint, Dave Truesdale and Paul T. Riddell.

mars Life on Mars?
article by John O'Neill
With the release of startling new photos from the Mars Global Surveyor, NASA unveils some of the most explosive evidence yet of life on Mars, and announces a bold expedition beyond the Red Planet.

Miskatonic Proceedings of the Miskatonic Cthulhian Society
reviewed by Georges T. Dodds
The Proceedings began as an journal of occult research based on scientific principles, and have always been on the cutting edge of research into extradimensional beings and the psychophysiological implications of their existence. Regretably, however, most of its major contributors seem to meet with bizarre and early deaths.

Astounding The Fiction of Jerome Walton
article by Steven H. Silver
Contributing Editor Steven Silver has a look at that great overlooked author, Jerome Walton, whose run of stories in Astounding Stories from January 1935-April 1957 gave him the nickname "The Lou Gehrig of Science Fiction."

New Arrivals Mid-March Books
compiled by John O'Neill
We're pretty sure there were some books published in late March. But we're about twelve months behind in our reading, and have given up trying to catch up. Here's some of the great books published last year.

TWZ The Twilight Zone Revisited by Rue Sorling
reviewed by Steve Lazarowitz
The Twilight Zone helped make science fiction -- and many of its best short story writers -- famous. Steve Lazarowitz has a look at an unusual book which may raise an eyebrow or two even among the most jaded modern readers.

The Boss Springsteen an Alien!
article by Greg L Johnson
You've heard the rumours. You watched the mounting evidence. And now, only two weeks after his induction into the rock and roll Hall of Fame, two New Jersey residents have come forward with compelling evidence that Bruce Springsteen is in fact an alien.

New Magazines Old Magazines
compiled by John O'Neill
April 1st sees the arrival of old issues of Argosy All Story Weekly, Astounding Stories, Super Science Stories, Thrilling Wonder Stories, and more. Drop by FictionHome.com for the latest in old SF and Fantasy Magazines.

Circus The Pan-Galactic Circus: Selected Stories by Kilgore Trout
reviewed by Paul J. McAuley
He is considered the most important writer of our genre, and the most infuriatingly obscure. Even Kilgore Trout did not know how many of his stories were published. But the tenacious NESFA Press didn't let that get in their way.

Robo The Tale of RoboRock and Sweet Blossom
fiction by Catherine Asaro
There has been a great deal of lively discussion on the emergence of science fiction romance in recent years. And now, exclusively at the SF Site! (okay, well, perhaps half a dozen other places too), a secret preview of a new story by a leader in the field...

Phantom Menace Babylon 5.1
SF Film reviews by Rick Norwood
Rick is back from a very special sneak engagement of The Phantom Menace for media heavyweights and -- while he won't give away the surprise ending -- there are a few things he can reveal without spoiling your enjoyment of the film.

Forthcoming Books Forthcoming Books
compiled by John O'Neill
Tor announces the surprise publication of the last nine volumes in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time Series, to be released simultaneously, drastically driving up North American paper prices. And there's still no word on Last Dangerous Visions.

Hubert Hubert F. Arlington
compiled by Rodger Turner
Managing Editor Rodger Turner begins a 35-part series detailing the complete works of Hubert F. Arlington, one of the most prolific writers in the genre. In his sixty year career his various pseudonyms have included Murray Leinster, A.E. van Vogt, Gene Wolfe, James Blaylock, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Silverberg, Michael Whalen, Tom Doherty and Mark Ziesing.

Circus The Year's Best SF 16 edited by Gardner Dozois
reviewed by Todd Ruthman
The yearbook of the Science Fiction field arrives with something of a surprise this year. Claiming that this has been a disappointing year for SF, the editor presents only 45 pages of material -- including six columns by Paul T. Riddell, two Star Wars posters, and the collected ad copy from the marketing staff at Avon Eos.

Second Looks

Tolkien Unfinished Manuscript by J.R.R. Tolkien
reviewed by S. Kay Elmore
Oxford University Press has published a lost manuscript of J.R.R. Tolkien's, recently discovered in an Oxford library. This unusual fantasy details the story of four children who are magically transported to a mystical world populated by talking animals. Along with the manuscript was a letter from his good friend and colleague C.S. Lewis, politely telling Tolkien, in so many words, that the novel stinks and he should get on with writing something more substantial.

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