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compiled by Neil Walsh

New this time are the latest from Robert McCammon, Connie Willis, Tom McCarthy, Tim Pratt, some repackaged classics by Poul Anderson, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, and more!

(Books are listed alphabetically by author. Only books received are noted.)

New & Forthcoming Books - Mid-September 2011
Young Flandry by Poul Anderson
Baen (mm, 736 pages)
Publication date: September 2001, USA & Canada
    Omnibus edition, originally published separately as Ensign Flandry (1966), A Circus of Hells (1970), and The Rebel Worlds (1969).

Slabscape: Reset by R. Spencer Baker
Blip Books (mm, 309 pages)
Publication date: 2010, UK

The Lesbian Fantastic: A Critical Study of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal and Gothic Writings by Phyllis M. Betz
McFarland (trade, 211 pages)
Publication date: February 2011, USA

Picturing Tolkien: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy edited by Janice M. Bogstad & Philip E. Kaveny
McFarland (trade, 309 pages)
Publication date: August 2011, USA

Honour Among Thieves: Ancient Blades, Book 3 by David Chandler
HarperVoyager (trade, 518 pages)
Publication date: 1 September 2011, UK

Vegans Are Tastier by Joe DeMarco
AuthorHouse (trade, 257 pages)
Publication date: April 2011, USA

Into the Hinterlands by David Drake & John Lambshead
Baen (hc, 374 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada

A Kingdom Besieged by Raymond E. Feist
HarperVoyager (trade, 408 pages)
Publication date: 1 September 2011, UK
reviewSF Site review

The Rift Walker: Vampire Empire, Book 2 by Clay Griffith & Susan Griffith
Pyr, Prometheus Books (trade, 402 pages)
Publication date: 6 September 2011, USA

The Inheritance and Other Stories by Robin Hobb / Megan Lindholm
Subterranean Press (hc, 392 pages)
Publication date (forthcoming): 31 October 2011, USA

Countdown: M Day by Tom Kratman
Baen (mm, 710 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada

The Crystal Variation by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Baen (trade, 1,185 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada 
    Omnibus edition of The Liaden Universe Saga, originally published separately as Crystal Soldier (2004), Cyrstal Dragon (2005), and Balance of Trade (2004).

The Hunter from the Woods by Robert McCammon
Subterranean Press (hc, 328 pages)
Publication date (forthcoming): 30 November 2011, USA

C by Tom McCarthy
Vintage Books (trade, 389 pages)
Publication date: 6 September 2011, USA

Theorizing Twilight: Critical Essays on What's at Stake in a Post-Vampire World edited by Maggie Parke & Natalie Wilson
McFarland (trade, 253 pages)
Publication date: August 2011, USA

The Recollection by Gareth L. Powell
Solaris (mm, 365 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada

Briarpatch by Tim Pratt
ChiZine Press (trade, 249 pages)
Publication date: 15 September 2011, USA & Canada

Regicide by Nicholas Royle
Solaris (mm, 239 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada

Truth City by Nick Sapien
AuthorHouse (trade, 214 pages)
Publication date: August 2011, USA

Ragnarok by Patrick A. Vanner
Baen (mm, 473 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada

The Enchantment of Abigail Brown: The Nousidian Chronicles, Book 1 by Mark Waters
Twelfth Realm Publishing (trade, 288 pages)
Publication date: August 2011, UK

Rogue by Michael Z. Williamson
Baen (hc, 341 pages)
Publication date: September 2011, USA & Canada

All About Emily by Connie Willis
Subterranean (hc, 96 pages)
Publication date (forthcoming): 31 December 2011, USA

Webways to the Universe: Journey to Jangala by Charles G. Wilson
Double Dragon Publishing (trade, 241 pages)
Publication date: May 2011, USA & Canada


Albedo One, Issue 40, 2011, Ireland, edited by John Kenny, et al.
Contributors to this issue include: James Patrick Kelly, Geoffrey Maloney, Pedar Ó Guilín, Colin Harvey, Robin Maginn, Nigel Quinlan, Karen Heuler, Christopher Aylett, Alex Jennings, Dom Turner, Nick Wood, Judith Brown, plus interviews with James Patrick Kelly and Colin Harvey.


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