F&SF Enters the Blogosphere
Welcome to the editorial blog of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction! Here you’ll find news about the magazine, interviews with our contributors, contests and giveaways, and other fun stuff. The whole concept is still a work in progress, so stay tuned to see how it develops. You, the reader, will play a part in that–by letting us know what sort of content you like, dislike, or would like to see in the future.
And who are “we”? Since this is the editorial blog of F&SF, it’s only appropriate that the magazine’s editors–editor Gordon Van Gelder and assistant editor John Joseph Adams (that’s me)–do the blogging. And who are they?
Well, Gordon Van Gelder is the editor and publisher of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. He’s been editor since January 1997, and became the publisher as well in October 2000 after long-time publisher Ed Ferman retired. In his teens, Gordon published several short stories in anthologies such as 100 Great Fantasy Short-Short Stories and Bruce Coville’s Book Of Spine Tinglers. But he put his writing career on hold to pursue a career in editing. His first job in editing was a summer internship with Bluejay Books, and he later went on to work for twelve years as an editor at St. Martin’s Press. Since becoming editor of F&SF, Gordon has also edited several anthologies including One Lamp, In Lands That Never Were, and Fourth Planet From the Sun.
As for me (John Joseph Adams), I’m the assistant editor of F&SF. I’m also the editor of the anthologies Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse (Night Shade Books), Seeds of Change (Prime Books, Summer 2008), and The Living Dead (Night Shade Books, Fall 2008). On top of that, I’m a freelance writer. My work has appeared in Amazing Stories, Locus Magazine, Science Fiction Weekly, Strange Horizons, Writer’s Digest, and elsewhere. I’ve also written reviews for Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, and Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, and am currently the print news correspondent for SCI FI Wire (the news service of the SCI FI Channel). For more about me, visit my personal website.
But enough about us. What about you? While you’re here, feel free to leave a comment to let us know a bit about yourself, and while you’re at it, let us know what you think of the blog so far. Also, be sure to check out our new message board.
So, again: welcome. Stay a while. Come back often. And don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS feed so you don’t miss anything.
6 Responses to “F&SF Enters the Blogosphere”
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I’ve got this new blogsite bookmarked.
Looks sharp.
Welcome to the blogosphere!
Hi JJ,
Is there any way to get the RSS to feed through to my LJ? Yahoo is @#$%#$ for me to blog read with…
Hi Mallory. We’re going to setup an LJ feed.
Oh, neat! Hello, y’all! *runs off to add the LJ feed to her reading list*