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Paolo Bacigalupi on NPR

I thought some of you would be interested in hearing Paolo on NPR:

By the way, Paolo’s story “Pump Six” will appear in our September issue.  We’re reprinting it from the story collection.

F&SF Wins Locus Award for Best Magazine

As the headline states, F&SF has won this year’s Locus Award for Best Magazine. That makes it seven years in a row we’ve taken home the honor. Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!

A complete list of the winners can be found here. If you’re curious about the history of the award, you can poke around through lists of the past winners here. Congratulations to all of the other winners!

New Dave Truesdale column posted

Dave Truesdale’s latest F&SF column is up:

Oddly enough, it overlaps a bit with Chris Moriarty’s first column, which appears in the August issue.

Algis Budrys

I’ve heard that A.J. Budrys died today at the age of 77.

I didn’t know him well, but our encounters were always amiable.  (The last time I remember seeing him was about ten years ago, when he was Guest of Honor at Readercon, and I seem to recall him clapping me on the shoulder and calling me “a good kid” or somesuch.)

Regardless of our friendship, he was a great friend to F&SF, publishing many stories in the magazine (including the shorter version of ROGUE MOON).  He was also our primary book reviewer from the Sept. 1975 issue through the Jan. 1993 issue.

Rest in peace, Ayjay.

Interview: Al Michaud, on "The Salting and Canning of Benevolence D."

Al Michaud–author of “The Salting and Canning of Benevolence D.,” which appears in our June 2008 issue–said in an interview that the story is the tale of a hapless lobsterman who finds himself the subject of a horribly objective haunting.  "His haunter isn’t just any old ghost, either — she’s the most fabled phantom of local legend, a centuries-old decapitated young lady known in folkloric circles as ‘the Silent Woman,’" Michaud said. "For reasons that elude him, Clem discovers that he and the headless gal have virtually tied the knot, so with the help of his best man — a clam-digging buddy of his from way back — he begins the quest to annul this blissless wedlock and permanently uncouple himself from his otherworldly significant other.  Along the way he makes new friends and incurs new enemies, some with agendas misaligned with his own."

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