F&SF and Kindle
Since people keep asking us when F&SF will be available for the Kindle, I thought I’d post here.
F&SF is currently available in electronic formats through Fictionwise.com: http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/spilogaleinceBooks.htm?cache.
I believe you can buy F&SF in a format like Mobipocket and read it on the Kindle without any problem.
I looked into the possibility of selling F&SF directly through Amazon.com, but I found their terms unwelcoming, so I haven’t pursued this avenue further.
If anyone finds that they cannot use Fictionwise to get an electronic edition of F&SF that’s readable on the Kindle, please let us know. Thanks.
Top Ten SF Novels by Women
In the Guardian, Gwyneth Jones has a Top Ten list of SF novels written by women. It’s an interesting list, though I note that only two of them are from the 21st century. Which is fair enough, considering it’s a Top Ten of all-time sort of list. But seeing the list made me wonder: What would this top ten list look like if we restricted the timeframe to books published in 2000 or later? So let’s hear it: What’s in your top ten? (Keep in mind we’re specifically talking about SF here, not fantasy.)
Tor’s free ebooks
By now most of you will have noticed Tor’s shiny new Tor.com website, which is chock full of geeky goodness. What you may not have noticed is that through July 27, you can go download all of the free ebooks that Tor had released via its Watch the Skies promotional newsletter over the course of the last several months. So go download before they’re gone forever!
The Plausibility of Batman
Scientific American has a cool (and spoiler-free) article about the plausibility of Batman. It’s presented as a Q&A with the author of Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero. It looks pretty cool–a shame, though, that it’s not coming out til October; they’re going to miss all this free publicity, though maybe The Dark Knight will be just about ready for DVD by then.
Acquisitions: May 2008
Here’s a list of the new stories we bought in May and will be coming soon to an issue near you:
- Esoteric City by Bruce Sterling
- Changeling by Dean Whitlock
- Adaptogenia by Wayne Wightman