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Acquisitions: May 2008

Here’s a list of the new stories we bought in May and will be coming soon to an issue near you:

  • Esoteric City by Bruce Sterling
  • Changeling by Dean Whitlock
  • Adaptogenia by Wayne Wightman


9 Responses to “Acquisitions: May 2008”

  1. S. Hamm on July 22nd, 2008

    I think April and May got their atoms commingled in the matter transmitter.

  2. Charlie Finlay on July 22nd, 2008

    Some stories are so good you need to buy them twice.

  3. EThomas on July 23rd, 2008

    “Some stories are so good you need to buy them twice.” ~ Charlie Finlay

    So true. Twice, at the very least// In fact, who knows in how many versions of the Slush God and Gordon Van Gelder of _The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction_ (or similar magazine), in how many earths of the multiverse, have bought these particular stories (or ones just close enough)? The acquisition possibilities are endless!

  4. EThomas on July 23rd, 2008

    That was me, again. I’m not sure why the site persists in believing I’m anonymous…I have to remember to sign my name.

    ~E Thomas

  5. John Joseph Adams on July 23rd, 2008

    Oops. Clearly there is an error here somewhere. Let me investigate.

    E. Thomas — did you register a username with the site? If not, on the bottom of the lefthand column, there’s a link that should say “register.” If you do that, it should remember you.

  6. S. Hamm on July 23rd, 2008

    The comment software recognizes me most of the time. The rest of the time, it tells me I am logged in as “.” (i.e., a period). My attempts to log off and log back on are usually fruitless.

  7. EThomas on July 23rd, 2008

    S. Hamm: “The comment software recognizes me most of the time. The rest of the time, it tells me I am logged in as “.” (i.e., a period). My attempts to log off and log back on are usually fruitless.”

    That is exactly what happens to me. It recognizes me as signed in as “.” When I try to logout, as “.” it opens a window that says “you do not have sufficient permission to access this page.” If I post as “.” it lists me as Anonymous.

    ~E Thomas

  8. John Joseph Adams on July 25th, 2008

    Okay, acquisitions have been fixed now. Sorry!

  9. SHamm on July 25th, 2008

    Thank you, JJA!

    Li’l Dot “.”

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