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Update your link

Although we’ve used the URL of for a decade, we’re going to let it expire in January and switch to

If you have bookmarked, please update your computer so it uses our new URL.  Thanks.


5 Responses to “Update your link”

  1. Paul Raven on November 19th, 2008

    You do know that’s going to kill off your pagerank and all your backlinks, right?

  2. gogo on November 19th, 2008

    i see no reason to abandon domain you used for 10 years.
    if anyone uses old domain name, why not simply redirect to new domain?

  3. Adam Israel on November 19th, 2008

    If you let the domain expire, a scammer might buy it up and put up advertising (or worse, malware) for anyone coming to the old site. It’s a fairly common practice.

    It would be better to renew and make it automatically redirect people to and/or display a notice that the url has changed and ask people to bookmark the new url. It’s fairly trivial to do, and reduces the risk of something malicious happening to people coming to the old url after January.

  4. Nathan E. Lilly on November 20th, 2008

    I agree with Adam Israel. The $100 that it would cost to register the old domain and redirect to the new site for the next 10 years would save you an endless amount of heartache. In 10 years, after the old domain has gone out of fashion (fewer people still link to it and is much less valuable) it’d be much safer to let it lapse.

  5. Jan on November 24th, 2008

    As an occasional F&SF reader, I hereby pledge to buy the old domain if and when it expires — if I get to it before anyone else. I will put a single page with a single line of text in its place.

    It will read:
    “Yet another example of F&SF not fucking understanding the god-damned internet.”

    After a while, I may redirect traffic to the new site.

    Also, Gordon, please redesign your front page. It could be used as a textbook example of TLDR.

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