Distribution problems
There are upheavals going through the magazine distribution business right now and they’re going to affect F&SF. Specifically, copies that were distributed through Anderson News Corp. or Source Interlink might not be distributed right now.
Most of our newsstand and bookstore distribution won’t be affected, but some people might find F&SF absent from their usual spot. We’re hoping things will get sorted out soon. Meantime, you can always order copies directly from us.
Rudy Van Gelder
Today I learned that Rudy Van Gelder is receiving a National Endowment for the Arts grant: http://www.nea.gov/national/jazz/jmCMS/master.php?id=2009_05
I’ve never met Mr. Van Gelder (in fact, the photo in that post makes the first time I’ve ever seen his likeness) and growing up, I was told we weren’t related. But a few years ago, I spoke with a first cousin of Rudy’s and he said he knew my grandfather and that we distantly related. I believe the closest we could be related is third cousins, once removed.
But I thought it was using our distant connection to note that one of the great jazz producers has gotten some of the recognition he deserves.
F&SF is going bimonthly
The March 2009 issue will be the last monthly issue. Starting with the April/May 2009 issue, we’ll be publishing one issue every two months. Each issue will be 256 pages (16 pages longer than our last Oct/Nov issue) except for this year’s anniversary issue, which will be a jumbo.
Subscribers don’t need to take any action. If your current sub expires with the April 2009 issue or with the May 2009 issue, your sub now expires with the April/May 2009 issue.
We’ve made the change because rising costs—especially postal costs—and the current economy put us in a position where we either had to raise our rates severely or cut back somewhere. Given the state of the economy, I decided a cutback in frequency made the most sense. We’ll lose a little more than 10% of our content this year, but we should be in a great position for the coming years.
I know it’s a big change and it will take a little while to get used to it, but I think it will work out fine. Thank you all for your support.
Donald E. Westlake, R.I.P.
Donald Westlake died yesterday at the age of 75.
He was a giant of the mystery field, master of the comic caper. I met him a couple of times and he struck me as being a wonderful guy. I also thought his reviews in the NY TIMES BOOK REVIEW were usually excellent.
He published a couple of stories in F&SF when Avram Davidson was editor: “The Question” (with Laurence Janifer) and “Nackles,” which was published under his “Curt Clark” pseudonym.
The world is a smaller place without him.
Dreams with Sharp Teeth update
A subscriber let me know that Netflix lists the Harlan Ellison documentary as releasing on 5/26/09. Amazon.com has the same date: http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-Sharp-Teeth-Harlan-Ellison/dp/B001NKWLBW
I’m biased but I think the film is well worth watching. You can read my thoughts on the documentary here: http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/2008/gvg0809.htm
I don’t see any info on the producer’s site, but there is plenty of material on it about the movie itself. Just don’t go there if you have dial-up unless you’re prepared to be patient: http://www.creatvdiff.com/harlan_ellison.php