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Tor’s free ebooks

By now most of you will have noticed Tor’s shiny new website, which is chock full of geeky goodness. What you may not have noticed is that through July 27, you can go download all of the free ebooks that Tor had released via its Watch the Skies promotional newsletter over the course of the last several months. So go download before they’re gone forever!

The Plausibility of Batman

Scientific American has a cool (and spoiler-free) article about the plausibility of Batman. It’s presented as a Q&A with the author of Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero. It looks pretty cool–a shame, though, that it’s not coming out til October; they’re going to miss all this free publicity, though maybe The Dark Knight will be just about ready for DVD by then.

The Ant King

I already did a Free Fiction Friday post on Benjamin Rosenbaum’s fiction, but now another of his stories is available as a free podcast from PodCastle: His F&SF debut, "The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale."

StarShipSofa on F&SF

The podcast StarShipSofa has a new episode up focused on F&SF:

Today the StarShipSofa blasts off into the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Join Tony as he guides the Sofa across all the years of the magazines long life, from it’s initial concept with editors Anthony Boucher and J Francis McComas, to present editor and publisher Gordon Van Gelder. Get ready… Blast Off!

Go have a listen. [MP3 link]

VanderMeer interviews Paolo & Langan

Jeff VanderMeer has recently done a couple of great interviews with some F&SF regulars. First up, as part of his "Conversations with the Bookless" series (in which he interviews authors of short fiction who don’t have books out yet), he talked to John Langan. And then, today, Jeff posted an interview over at the blog, Omnivoracious, Jeff VanderMeer with Paolo Bacigalupi. Jeff also has a couple extra Q&As with Paolo that didn’t fit into the Omnivoracious piece over on his personal blog, Ecstatic Days.

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