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SF Insite: News from the world of SF publishing
Who won the Nebula awards this year?
Serpentwar Saga is Raymond E. Feist's second Midkemia series; Wayne MacLaurin reflects
X-Files: where to go and what's there
John O'Neill opines upon Freeware, Rudy Rucker's new novel
Marc Goldstein looks at gaming
Who produces books, who sells them?
When and where is WorldCon? Are you ready?
26 pages (plus Mc) of author & fan tribute sites
EZines & Mags: can you spot tomorrow's big names?
Nearly 150 new books were released in May
What's new from the SF Site reviewers?
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Luz, the Art of Ciruelo Luz, the Art of Ciruelo by Ciruelo Cabral
reviewed by Lucy Snyder
Lucy Snyder (of Dark Planet fame) considers lavish illustrations of square-jawed heroes battling monsters, wooing buxom lasses in various states of distress (and undress).

The Demon Awakens The Demon Awakens by R. A. Salvatore
reviewed by Wayne MacLaurin
Wayne returns to look at the latest from one of his favourites, the ex-TSR author of the very popular Dark Elf saga.

Locus Cover Featured Site
Locus is here! How many of their customers shout that out when a new issue turns up. Mark R. Kelly has done a wonderful job of bringing Locus' delightful mix of information and reviews to the Web. And, bonus, this month's magazine has the quarterly list of forthcoming books through March 1998.

A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick Reading List
compiled by Rodger Turner
This is the first installment of a ten part series putting together a reading list of Philip K. Dick's novels and short fiction.

A User's Guide to the Millennium A User's Guide to the Millennium by J. G. Ballard
reviewed by Thomas Myer
Thomas Myer looks at J. G. Ballard's new collection of (nay, a veritable seraglio) of essays, reflections, and reviews marking him as the intellectual godfather of Gibson, Sterling, and Stephenson.

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