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From The Editor
SF Insite: News from the world of SF publishing
New and Noteworthy: A look at the week's most intriguing books and publications
SF by Canadians, eh? Yes, and there's more than you may think
First Novel: WYRM by Mark Fabi -- Steven MacDonald brings us a capsule review
Terry Pratchett brings a love of the absurd to virtually everything he writes. Have you read them all?
July Releases: looks like a quite a month
Our Contents Page highlights reviews of Rosemary Edghill's The Cloak of Night and Daggers and Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere
Audio: SF is alive and well on the radio
Comics & Animation: What's happening with comics these days?
SF Book Stores: Can't find that one title? Try one of these shops
Author & Fan Tribute Sites: we've built 26 pages of them (plus one for Mc)
What's new from the SF Site reviewers? Browse through the list to see if any of your favourites are there
SF Site Search Engine: it will find whatever or whoever you're looking for
Have you read our previous issues?
Dark Planet
Dark Planet a webzine by Lucy Snyder
It is with great pleasure that we announce the additon of Dark Planet to the SF Site. Dark Planet is a webzine of science fiction, modern fantasy, horror, and related poetry and non-fiction.

If you've been to DP before, you'll notice that the format has changed somewhat; instead of publishing discrete issues, each with a different design, Lucy is now sticking to a constant Website format. She expects to post new fiction, poems and articles going up every month (instead of the previous every six or seven months).

Conspiracy of Silence Conspiracy of Silence by Kevin D. Randle
reviewed by Thomas Myer
Tom finds that Kevin Randle presents an intriguing case for the U.S. Government covering up the details surrounding the Roswell crash.

Lunatics Lunatics by Bradley Denton
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
Margo explains how the book moves so quickly that before you blink you are half way through it.

Now Wait for Last Year Philip K. Dick Reading List
compiled by Rodger Turner
This is the third installment of a ten part series putting together a reading list of Philip K. Dick's novels and short fiction.

The Art of Arrow Cutting First Novel: The Art of Arrow Cutting by Stephen Dedman
reviewed by Steven H Silver
Contributing Editor Steven H Silver thinks this novel is fast-moving with likable heroes.

The Illustrated Man Second Look: The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
reviewed by Tim Krauskopf
Guest reviewer Tim Krauskopf suggests Bradbury is a retro-William Gibson. Bradbury's work can be just as hard-hitting and prophetic.

MEG First Novel: MEG by Steve Alten
reviewed by Neil Walsh
It's not difficult to see why the book was optioned for a couple of million. It reads like Alten had a Hollywood blockbuster in mind the whole time.

Contact Contact
reviewed by Thomas F. Cunningham
Thomas' opinion is that Contact is the best SF movie of the year and perhaps the best pure science fiction movie ever made. Read on and find out why.

Destiny Road June Book Releases
compiled by A. John O'Neill & Todd Ruthman
June's list totaled 107 titles. This month is a little different from last. We've split the mass-market (small format) Paperbacks from the Hard Covers and Trade (large format) Paperbacks and we've added a new section for Young Adults.

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