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SF Insite: Thomas Myer considers how to redeem SF cinema.
World Fantasy Awards: was your choice one of the winners?
The Dream of the Stone: Novelist and Guest Reviewer Victoria Strauss likens this novel to Lewis Carroll's Alice books.
The 1997 British Fantasy Awards have been announced at World Fantasy Convention in London, UK.
SF Music: interested in listening to themes from your favorite SF films and TV shows on your computer? Try out the shareware MidiJuke player created by contributing editor Mark D. Then have a look out our package of famous SF Themes. Let us know what you think!
Are you a writer? Do you know about these writers' resources?
October Releases: Todd Ruthman's list of the SF, Fantasy and Horror titles released last month.
EZines & Mags: can you spot tomorrow's big names?
November Releases: contributing editor Todd Ruthman goes into overdrive with a peek at SF and Fantasy books for November.
Younger Readers: Looking for a title or two for them? Here is a starting point.
Our Contents Page highlights Ann Benson's review of Gravelight by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Wayne MacLaurin's review of The Seraphim Rising by Elisabeth DeVos.
Author & Fan Tribute Sites: we've built 26 pages of them (plus one for Mc).
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Have you seen our previous issues?
Revelations Revelations edited by Douglas E. Winter
reviewed by Alex Anderson
This anthology is a strong piece of work by all the authors involved. Each story is unique in style and voice, standing apart from its comrades. Thus, Alex concludes, the anthology is captivating, successful, and brilliant.

Rose Daughter Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
McKinley's style is simple, elegant and finely detailed. Despite her characters being named out of fairy tales, they are very human, interesting and likeable -- you really care about them.

Fugitive Prince Fugitive Prince by Janny Wurts
reviewed by Wayne MacLaurin
Despite its ability to stand as a solo novel, Wayne thinks this book is really meant to be read as a sequel to previous novels in the series, Wars of Light and Shadow.

We Can Build You Philip K. Dick Reading List
compiled by Rodger Turner
The ninth installment in our ten-part series assembling an exhaustive reading list of the enigmatic and wonderful Philip K. Dick's novels and short fiction.

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories by Tim Burton
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
Open the cover and enter, if you dare, the dark twisted world of Tim Burton. Margo's been there and confesses that there is no one like him for his ability to make you laugh in spite of your cringing.

Star Trek The Next Generation: Ship of the Line Star Trek The Next Generation: Ship of the Line by Diane Carey
reviewed by Jim Greer
Overall, Carey succeeds in delivering a ripping good yarn. The novel strikes a nice balance between the many actions scenes and its more introspective moments.

Titan Titan by Stephen Baxter
reviewed by Steven H Silver
In Steven's opinion, this novel shows that Baxter has continued to grow in handling the technical details of the space program and writing. Unfortunately, he found, in many ways, it seems like a step backwards from an earlier Baxter novel, Voyage.

Storm Breaking Storm Breaking by Mercedes Lackey
reviewed by Todd Richmond
Todd says this is a good book, but not one that should be read without reading the others. It fails to stand on its own because there is just too much background that isn't covered.

Cthulhu Call of Cthulhu
a survey by Wayne MacLaurin and Neil Walsh
A role-playing game set in the demon-haunted worlds of H.P. Lovecraft? Yikes! Senior Editors Wayne MacLaurin and Neil Walsh risk their health and sanity with a peek at the forbidden tomes of gaming lore from Chaosium. Part Two introduces a few of the important game supplements.

Aeromancer Aeromancer by Don Callander
reviewed by Todd Richmond
Todd thinks this one and, in fact, all of his books, have a warm, cheerful feel to them. Though they follow the eternal struggle of Light vs. Dark, Good vs. Evil, they are still light, pleasant reading.

New Arrivals November New Arrivals
compiled by John O'Neill
New books by Robert Jordan, Sean Stewart, Michael Moorcock, Catherine Asaro, and Marion Zimmer Bradley, top the list of exciting new SF and Fantasy volumes to arrive at our offices. It's also been a terrific pair of weeks for short story readers, with exciting new collections from David G. Hartwell, Orson Scott Card, Gardner Dozois, Peter Haining, and others.

Mother Grimm Mother Grimm by Catherine Wells
reviewed by Jim Seidman
Here is a perfect example of what happens when an author attempts to write outside of her area of expertise. Catherine Wells has created an interesting premise for this story, but is seriously flawed in its execution.

First Novels

Island Bound Island Bound by Betty Levin
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
Margo found this to be a great story. It's got everything: mystery, adventure, ecological battles, psychic impressions, historical curiosities, great writing, likeable characters, a touch of romance, and puffins.

Second Looks

The Galactic Whirlpool Star Trek: The Galactic Whirlpool by David Gerrold
reviewed by Todd Richmond
The book is worth reading if just for the story of how Captain James T. Kirk once surrendered all of Starfleet and the entire Federation and gained the title of Royal High Minister Plenipotentiary in Total Command of the Universe.

The Stones of Muncaster Cathedral The Stones of Muncaster Cathedral by Robert Westall
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
This is a chilling tale spun by a master storyteller. The style of the narrator is so genuine you feel like he is right there speaking to you.

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