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Lady of Mazes Lady of Mazes by Karl Schroeder
reviewed by Rich Horton
The author's new novel is the real thing -- head-snappingly cool SF, with big and clever ideas, almost believable transcendence, and a way to map human scale stories into a world where "post-human" powers exist. It's set in the fairly far future, in a Solar System populated by humans living in space habitats, by post-humans -- humans who have gained "god-like" computational powers, and possibly by aliens. Ultimately the story concerns people trying to live human scale lives, yet also lives with meaning.

Whales on Stilts! Whales on Stilts! by M.T. Anderson
reviewed by Charlene Brusso
Pulp science fiction may be an acquired taste, but what better time to acquire it than when you're young? And if you're older, all the better, for you'll have the proper background to truly appreciate the fine, full bouquet of a good, meaty pulp sf story -- as well as the postmodern layers of self-deprecating humor and deft message of empowerment knitted into this book.

Black Blossom Black Blossom by Boban Kneževic
reviewed by William Thompson
It's uncommon to discover a contemporary novel that successfully captures the tone and spirit of early epic legend or literature, such as the Eddas or Le Chanson de Roland, while at the same time couching itself within a postmodern aesthetic. At least two recent and notable efforts -- Gene Wolfe's The Wizard Knight and John Wright's Everness -- that while admirable in their display of postmodern approach to an earlier tradition, fail to entirely attain the identity they are in part reinventing and emulating. The same cannot be said for this novel.

Simon Clark A Walk in the Dark: an interview with Simon Clark
conducted by Sandy Auden
"Just look at the word horror, it's from the French word horreuse which means 'to bristle.' Looking at my dog, I try to look through his eyes sometimes. He's a creature who responds at an emotional and purely instinctive level, rather than at an intellectual level. If something scares him, his fur literally bristles. When he sees something that frightens or disturbs him, he's pulling away but he's also looking at it, he's fascinated by what it is."

Ascendancy of Blood Ascendancy of Blood by Eugie Foster
reviewed by Michael M Jones
As a howling mob closes in upon a cursed castle, its vampiric queen unleashes an unholy power to protect her people and herself from utter destruction. In seconds, the castle is overtaken by living vines and giant black roses, as the queen herself sinks into an enchanted sleep, a spindle through her heart. There she will lay, until rescued from the consequences of her dark pact.

Earthbound Earthbound by Richard Matheson
reviewed by Kit O'Connell
David Cooper, with his wife Ellen, have come to an isolated seaside cottage near the one where they spent their honeymoon; they hope to repair the damage done to their marriage by David's recent infidelities. Almost immediately, things start going wrong on their vacation as David discovers that the dilapidated cottage is haunted by the spirit of Marianna, a dead girl whose evil, lust-filled ways have doomed her to becoming trapped on earth and confined to the house where she sinned.

Babylon 5.1: Televison Reviews Babylon 5.1
TV reviews by Rick Norwood
Rick offers his thoughts on the changes to the lengths of TV shows and seasons along with an episode guide to Battlestar Galactica.

British Science Fiction Awards British Science Fiction Awards
compiled by Rodger Turner
The BSFA Awards are presented annually by the British Science Fiction Association, based on a vote of BSFA members and -- in most recent years -- members of the British national SF convention (Eastercon). BSFA members can nominate as many works as they like in any category -- but an individual's nomination for a specific work will only be counted once.

Anansi Boys Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
a contest
HarperCollins Canada and SF Site have teamed up to offer you a chance to win a Neil Gaiman HarperCollins library! The contest grand prize includes copies of Anansi Boys, American Gods, Mirror Mask, Neverwhere, Smoke & Mirrors, Stardust, Coraline, Wolves in the Walls, and Sandman Book of Dreams.

In Golden Blood In Golden Blood by Stephen Woodworth
an excerpt
"Natalie Lindstrom did not recognize the Corps Security agent who followed her to the movie theater that May afternoon: a man not much taller than she, of Southeast Asian Indian extraction, with slick black hair and sideburns. His gray suit seemed to blend chameleonlike into whatever background he passed."

Gwyneth Jones
Band of Gypsys Band of Gypsys by Gwyneth Jones
reviewed by David Soyka
The threesome are back from their adventures in America, where Ax and Sage rescued Fiorinda from a cult intending to use her mojo to trigger a "neuro" bomb that would probably be as devastating to the initiators as the target (shades of the cold war all over again). The British leadership want Ax to resume the largely ceremonial powers of President to placate the masses, giving them breathing room to pursue their own -- not necessarily in the general interest -- agendas. However, the troika isn't about to let the fate of England fall into their hands, as a daring raid to free Ax's family from literally right beneath the leadership's noses demonstrates.

Gwyneth Jones Winning with a Bold Streak: an interview with Gwyneth Jones
conducted by Sandy Auden
"Some people are only interested in music when they're teenagers, due to peer pressure; some people stay interested. I'm one of those, stayed with rock and roll all the way through its permutations, and dare I say it, stayed with the idealistic hedonism. Bold As Love came from there."

New Arrivals New Arrivals
compiled by Neil Walsh
New books this month include the latest works from Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Sarah Ash, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Juliet Marillier, Raymond E. Feist, Robert Jordan, and many others.

Dragon America Dragon America by Mike Resnick
reviewed by Steven H Silver
The book opens in the middle of the American Revolution as George Washington is trying to figure out how to finally defeat the British. To this end, he has sent tracker Daniel Boone into the interior to attempt to form an alliance with the Shawnee. Although Shawnee chieftain Black Fish rejects Boone's offer, he does provide Boone with two companions, the runaway slave Pompey and the Shawnee Grey Eagle, as well as a quest. There are rumors that somewhere out west there are dragons.

Spin Spin by Robert Charles Wilson
reviewed by Greg L. Johnson
Since recorded history, human beings have looked to the skies for wonders and inspiration. We have found everything from myths and legends to confirmation of scientific theories in the observations made of space and what it contains. Imagine the implications, for both human understanding and human psychology if one night the sky was taken away.

Crooked Timber Crooked Timber by A.M. Arruin
reviewed by Donna McMahon
This is a collection of "suburban faerie tales" that take place in some morphing collision of reality and unreality pulled primarily from three sources. The first source is the bizarre and macabre folk tales of Eastern Europe as carried to the Canadian prairies by immigrants.

Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
reviewed by Charlene Brusso
This book is companion to the popular fantasy series The Spiderwick Chronicles, but you don't need to have read the Chronicles, to enjoy this gorgeous tome. The opening chapters contain all manner of helpful information for those seeking to explore the world of fantastical creatures. For example, fairies like milk and are drawn to it; they like lukewarm the best. And for getting rid of them, a bag of salt is likewise handy.

Series Review

The Spiderwick Chronicles The Spiderwick Chronicles by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
reviewed by Charlene Brusso
The series opens with the Grace family, moving into their great aunt Lucinda's decrepit old Victorian house. Mom tries to put a hopeful spin on things, but the Grace children -- daughter Mallory, the oldest, and twins Simon and Jared (our narrator) -- are not happy campers. Aunt Lucinda's house is full of cobwebs and creaky old furniture, untrustworthy electricity, and a strange scrabbling in the walls. While investigating the noises, Jared discovers a secret room full of pilfered knick-knacks. This is home to the grumpy household brownie Thimbletack, who doesn't want outsiders in his house.

First Novels

The Traveler The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks
reviewed by Lise Murphy
Set in present day, this novel explores the timely concept that we are being watched by the Vast Machine, in an elaborate plot to exert control over society. There have always been a certain few people who can exit our realm and visit other realms bringing back with them new ways of seeing the world and novel ideas. Ideas that would, eventually, free us from this societal control.

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