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Wizardry & Wild Romance Wizardry & Wild Romance by Michael Moorcock
reviewed by Jayme Lynn Blaschke
Nobody has ever accused Michael Moorcock of being afraid to express himself. As one of the driving forces behind the New Wave, a renowned editor and prolific novelist and commentator, he has built a career out of not only following his instincts, but by keenly analyzing what he finds in the exotic locales said instincts lead him. In this collection of essays, he holds forth on the sub-genre most closely associated with the author of the enduring Elric of Melniboné series. The resulting commentary isn't always pretty, but it is invariably interesting and, at the very least, thought-provoking in ways the author surely intended.

Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town by Cory Doctorow
reviewed by Matthew Cheney
The author deserves a lot of credit for writing a book like this one, because he could have written an easier book, a tamer book, a book that wasn't so goofy or passionate or so every which way, so loose. He could have written a book that held together better, that followed its premises a bit farther, that was shorter and sharper and shockier, but that book would be a less charming book, a more ordinary one.

Fifty Degrees Below Fifty Degrees Below by Kim Stanley Robinson
reviewed by Greg L. Johnson
It's the near future, and chaos is in the air and water; chaos in the form of tipping points, changes in the giant system that determines the Earth's weather that could lead to sudden, severe climate change. One of those tipping points lies in the interaction of cold water from the polar ice cap with the warm water of the Gulf Stream. Too much of the polar water, which is also less salty, and the Gulf Stream could be displaced to the south, removing the flow of water that currently warms England and Northern Europe.

Babylon 5.1: Televison Reviews Babylon 5.1
TV reviews by Rick Norwood
Now that Aaron Sorkin has been kicked out of television for being too liberal (and too stoned) the best dramatic television writers all work, or have worked, in the science fiction or fantasy genres: Ronald D. Moore, currently writing for Battlestar Galactica, Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy and J. Michael Straczinski, creator of Babylon 5. Two of the three are writing for comic books.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
a movie review by Alec Worley
Based on the strongest book in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire suffers yet another patchwork adaptation by screenwriter Steve Kloves. But Mike Newell manages to get out of it something truly heartfelt, less mechanical than Prisoner of Azkaban, less of a pantomime than parts one and two, The Sorcerer's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. What gives this movie its edge is the feeling that the gloves have now come off, the forces of evil have finally revealed themselves with the waning of Harry's childhood, and the boy wizard must now take his lumps like a man.

20th Century Ghosts 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill
reviewed by Mario Guslandi
According to Mario, this is, without any doubt, one of the finest short story collections he has ever read, so much so as it comes from the pen of a newcomer, whose short fiction has appeared so far only in a bunch of genre magazines. Although the stories date back no farther than four years or so, it was high time to put them together in a single volume.

Tesseracts 9 Tesseracts 9 edited by Nalo Hopkinson and Geoff Ryman
reviewed by Donna McMahon
This is the first in the Tesseracts anthology series that Donna has read in its entirety. The previous ones she looked at felt overburdened with ponderous, somber work that seemed to have been picked for literary 'respectability' rather than story-telling. Here, the vast majority of stories are strongly emotional narratives, rather than aloof exercises of the intellect.

David Gemmell Heroic Intentions: an interview with David Gemmell
conducted by Sandy Auden
"When I was young, I was arrested several times and once sent for reports. The psychologist said I was a psychopath. I found this mildly alarming. He pointed out that it didn't have to be a bad thing. I can be utterly single minded and screen out everything in order to complete a task. That's why I've never missed a deadline."

Olympos Olympos by Dan Simmons
reviewed by Nathan Brazil
The opening finds the opposing armies of the Trojan war, united. Their common foe, none other than the mighty Zeus and the other angry gods familiar to students of Greek mythology. The plot covers three worlds; an Earth that is now sparsely populated, the terraformed Mars, and another Earth, in a galaxy where Homer's epic heroes and stories -- Iliad and Odyssey -- actually happened. Although, there are several enormous differences.

Swarmthief's Dance Swarmthief's Dance by Deborah J. Miller
reviewed by Victoria Strauss
Long ago, in punishment for the crime of offering immortality to a human, Aria, one of the six spirits known as the Nulefi, was banished to the underworld -- the realm of the god Rann, whose passionate advances Aria once spurned. But before Rann could do more than gloat, Aria's sisters did the unthinkable, and rose up to defend her. In wrath, the gods' leader, Herrukal, dispersed their spirits into the ether. But gods are eternal and indestructible. Even scattered, the substance of the Nulefi survived.

New Arrivals New Arrivals
compiled by Neil Walsh
This month the new arrivals at the SF Site make a fairly small stack, but there are some much-anticipated goodies, including the latest from George R.R. Martin, Jonathan Carroll, Walter Jon Williams, Alan Dean Foster, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, R.A. Salvatore, and others.

Robert Holdstock Fantasy Theme Park: an interview with Robert Holdstock
conducted by Sandy Auden
"I believe that hundreds, if not thousands, of individual tales of survival, encounter, heroism and betrayal lie behind the legends as we have them. But time, death, and wastage of all kinds would have filtered those individual tales down into a tight stream that might, just might, have been picked up by a natural storyteller."

Across the Wall Across the Wall by Garth Nix
reviewed by Adam Volk
The genre of young adult fantasy literature seems alive and well these days, thanks in part to everyone's favorite pre-pubescent boy wizard. Indeed, his adventures have not only drawn in millions of readers of all ages, but has created legions of fantasy junkies now looking for a fix to tide them over until the next volume hits the shelves. And yet, what is perhaps most surprising is the number of adult readers who are also now wandering the young adult book section of their local bookstores.

The Onts The Onts by Dan Greenburg
reviewed by Jonathan Fesmire
Wally and Cheyenne Shufflemuffin are fraternal twins living at the Jolly Days Orphanage, a place that makes the Municipal Orphanage of Annie seem like a day spa. Wally's feet stink and Cheyenne is constantly sneezing, so no one wants to adopt them, until a pair of gaunt women, Dagmar and Hedy, come to the orphanage looking to adopt. Stinky feet and dripping noses are just what they want in children.

John Saul A Conversation With John Saul
An interview with Lisa DuMond
On teenage characters:
"That's the great thing about teenagers as characters: people tend not to take them as seriously as they ought to, so it's possible for a situation which would be easily controlled if discovered early enough spin completely out of control simply because one person prefers not to believe what another one is saying.  What made Lindsay work so well was that she had the pressure of the impending move on her; she didn't want to move; and she'd made her antipathy to the move very clear to everyone; ergo, even when she vanishes, it's easy for people to believe she may simply have taken off, despite what her mother says."

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