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SF Insite: Wayne MacLaurin considers the impact of Wizards of the Coast and their gaming card patent.
Author Book Lists: anything you may have missed? Here are some of ours and some from elsewhere.
World Fantasy Awards: was your choice one of the winners?
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SF Music: interested in listening to themes from your favorite SF films and TV shows on your computer? Try out the shareware MidiJuke player created by contributing editor Mark D. Then have a look out our package of famous SF Themes. Let us know what you think!
Small Press: who produces those divine books, who sells them?
November Releases: contributing editor Todd Ruthman shows us what SF and Fantasy books were due last month.
Our Contents Page highlights reviews of the Douglas E. Winter anthology Revelations and Tim Burton's The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories.
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The Mythago Cycle< The Mythago Cycle by Robert Holdstock
reviewed by Steven H Silver
Steven gives us his take on each of the four books that make up this cycle; Mythago Wood, Lavondyss, The Hollowing and Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn. If you are looking for plot- or even character-driven fantasy, the Ryhope Wood cycle will not serve your purposes. If you are interested in an examination of mythology and its hold on the human subconscious, sometimes in esoteric terms, the author consistently manages to hit a bullseye.

Alien Influences Alien Influences by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
reviewed by Lisa DuMond
If Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids, Bountiful may be an argument for sterilization. Consider the sun-scorched terrain, the constant threat of overexposure, and, of course, the grisly murders of the colonists' children.

Douglas Adams's Starship Titanic Douglas Adams's Starship Titanic by Terry Jones
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
Margo wonders how could anyone resist a book that is a collaboration between Douglas Adams (who brought us The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and Terry Jones of Monty Python fame? In this case, Terry Jones wrote the novel based on a scenario by Douglas Adams.

New Arrivals November New Arrivals
compiled by John O'Neill
New books by Robert Jordan, Sean Stewart, Michael Moorcock, Catherine Asaro, and Marion Zimmer Bradley, top the list of exciting new SF and Fantasy volumes to arrive at our offices. It's also been a terrific pair of weeks for short story readers, with exciting new collections from David G. Hartwell, Orson Scott Card, Gardner Dozois, Peter Haining, and others.

A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick Reading List
compiled by Rodger Turner
The final installment in our ten-part series assembling an exhaustive reading list of the enigmatic and wonderful Philip K. Dick's novels and short fiction. No new books are included this time, rather it is a checklist of all the titles.

A Wizard Abroad A Wizard Abroad by Diane Duane
reviewed by Todd Richmond
This is Diane Duane's fourth Wizardry book which began with So You Want to Be a Wizard. It follows the expoits of young Nita Callahan (along with her partner, Kit and her younger sister, Dairine), who finds a book at the library that introduces her to the art of Wizardry.

The Siege of Eternity The Siege of Eternity by Frederik Pohl
reviewed by Steven H Silver
A sequel to The Other End of Time, this novel profiles a future extremely bleak; violence and fear pervade American culture. Into this comes a message from an alien race.

Wolf's Bane Wolf's Bane by Tara K. Harper
reviewed by Stephen M. Davis
This novel won't have Stephen combing the fantasy section of his local used book store. There are moments when the writer's talent shows through but those moments are rare.

The Prestige The Prestige by Christopher Priest
reviewed by Lisa DuMond
Lisa discovered that it isn't that every character in this novel is obsessed, only the ones we get to know by name. One hundred years separate them, but, it is the secrets of yesterday that join them.

Polgara The Sorceress Polgara The Sorceress by David and Leigh Eddings
reviewed by Wayne MacLaurin
If you haven't read anything by these authors, this novel is a good introduction. For those long time fans, this novel is a worthy addition to a growing collection. A treat for all.

Series Review

Greg Mandel Series Greg Mandel Trio by Peter F. Hamilton
reviewed by Rodger Turner
Rodger looks at three connected books of this UK bestselling author: Mindstar Rising, A Quantum Murder and The Nano Flower. He found Hamilton's dialogue is crystal sharp, his settings veer towards the convincing, his prose is slick, his charcters a joy to follow.

First Novels

Bonds of Blood, Bonds of Steel Bonds of Blood, Bonds of Steel by Rebecca L. Frencl
reviewed by Steven H Silver
As a first novel, the book is good, although it does suffer from the author's seeming inability to plot. The story is told as a series of vignettes, which are without an end goal. Although this is the way real life works, it tends to work less well within the confines of literature.

Second Looks

The Lantern Bearers The Lantern Bearers by Rosemary Sutcliff
reviewed by Victoria Strauss
Novelist and Guest Reviewer Victoria Strauss felt it is a wonderful book. Sutcliff's style, pacing, and characterization are head and shoulders above much of what passes for young adult fiction these days.

Quest for a Maid Quest for a Maid by Frances Mary Hendry
reviewed by Margo MacDonald
Inspired by historical fact, this is a fictional account of a young Scottish girl who gets caught up in the events following the death of King Alexander III. The most striking thing about the story is the heroine who is so full of spirit.


Star Trek, The Next Generation: The Continuing Mission Star Trek, The Next Generation: The Continuing Mission by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
reviewed by Wayne MacLaurin
A lush coffee table-sized tome packed with photos, drawings and sketches covering the entire series from pre-production to the movies and beyond, this book guides the reader through the chapters (seasons) of the series and provide an interesting glimpse into what went on behind the scenes.

The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan & Teresa Patterson
reviewed by Jim Seidman
Despite some sub-standard art, this book is one that every diehard Jordan fan will want to have. While owning this book is certainly not necessary to enjoy Jordan's books, it provides wonderful insight into the past and the present of the denizens of The Wheel of Time.

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