Every day, items of interest to you arrive in our email. Our bi-monthly format doesn't lend itself to daily updates. However, this is a small inconvenience to our Contributing Editor Steven H Silver. He's begun this column which will fill you in on recent news in science fiction. We'll be updating the page as he sends in new items.
The Sidewise Awards for Alternate History is presented each year to recognize excellence in alternate history. The awards are given for short form and long form, the latter may include completed series. The award winners are presented each year at the World Science Fiction Convention.
This year's nominees include:
Long Form:
Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame Inductees
The Mythopoeic Awards are presented each year to recognize both fantasy for adults and children and scholarship on the Inklings and more general fantasy and lythic themes. The award winners will be announced at Mythcon XXXIII to be held in Boulder, Colorado from July 26-29.
Adult Literature:
Children's Literature:
Inkling Studies:
Myth and Fantasy Studies:
Stephen J. Gould (b.1941) wrote numerous science articles which were both entertaining and informative. Many of his essays can be found in his collections The Panda's Thumb, Eight Little Piggies, and the Flamingo's Smile. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1967. Although he viewed himself as a paleontologist and evolutionary biologist, his lectures and essays crossed the gamut of scientific research. Gould apparently died of complications from cancer.
China Announces Space Plans
Golden Duck Nominee Announcement
This year's nominees include:
Eleanor Cameron Award for Middle Grades:
Hal Clement Award for Young Adults
Arthur C. Clarke Award Winners Announced
Dave Berg (b.1920) was a cartoonist who began working for Mad Magazine in 1957. He was, perhaps, best known for the feature "The Light Side Of. . . ," begun in 1961. This feature looked at a topical issue each month with a twist. Prior to working for Mad, Berg had studied to be a rabbi and worked for Will Eisner, first as an inker, and later producing his own books. Berg went on to work on the original Captain Marvel.
Steven Spielberg, director of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T: The Extraterrestrial, the three Indiana Jones films, and numerous other science fiction and fantasy films, graduated from California State University Long Beach more than thirty years after dropping out of college. He returned to take individual study classes in spring of 2001 so he could receive his degree in Film and Electronic Media. Spielberg, who is one of the most acclaimed producers and directors in Hollywood, plans to attend graduation ceremonies as a regular student.
Julian Warner is running against the team of David Cake & Sarah (Locksley) Xu in the 2002 DUFF Race. DUFF, the Down Under Fan Fund, was established in 1972 to promote fannish ties between the United States and Australia. Each year, either an American fan travels to Australia for the Australian National convention or an Australia fan travels to the US for the Worldcon or NASFiC. This year's winner(s) will attend ConJosé over Memorial Day weekend. Voting is open to any fan and the ballot can be found at http://home.pacbell.net/jgelb/duff2k.html. DUFF raises funds via a series of auctions and voting fees.
TAFF Race Underway
Collapse at Baikonur Cosmodrome
SF Fan on "Win Ben Stein's Money"
After setting box office records for the biggest opening and the fastest film to reach the $100 million mark, "Spider-Man" has also become the fastest film to reach the $200 million mark. After only nine days, "Spider-Man" reached the point that it took previous record holder "Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace" thirteen days to reach when it was released in 1999. "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones," the sequel to Phantom Menace, is slated to open on Thursday, May 16.
Forrest J Ackerman in Hospital. Condition ???
Lambda Awards
Collapse at Baikonur Cosmodrome
Fridrikh Gorenshtein (b.1932) was a Soviet born screenwriter who made his professional debut in 1972 as the co-writer of the Andrei Tarkovsky production of Stanislaw Lem's "Solaris." Betsy Curtis (b.1918) was a short-story writer, costumer, and poet. She published her first story, "Divine Right" in the Summer, 1950 issue of Fantasy and Science fiction and was a Hugo nominee in 1969 for the story "The Steiger Effect." Scott McCormick, known in the SCA as Master Morgan the Tanner died three months after suffering a stroke localized in his brain stem. He had been making daily progress in his rehabilitation, and his respiratory and cardiac failure on the night of May 9 came as a surprise to those close to him. In addition to being a leatherworker, he was also a Middle Eastern drummer, who enlivened many SCA gatherings with his rhythms. McCormick is survived by his wife, Jan Griffin, his son, Michael Griffin, and two grandchildren, Sean and Leslie.
![]() Bruce Pelz (1939-2002), former Worldcon chair, fanhistorian and archivist and too many other things to mention, died on the evening of April 9. He fainted at 6:00pm and was rushed to the hospital, where his heart stopped. Pelz was the co-chair of LACon I, the 1972 Worldcon. It was the first time a Worldcon would have an attendance greater than 2000 members. Eight years later, he would be the fan guest of honor at Noreason II, where, coincidentally, Damon Knight, who died last month, was one of the author guests of honor.
Warner Brothers has announced release dates for "The Matrix" sequels "Matrix Reloaded" and "Matrix Revolutions," both starring Keanu Reeves. The two films will be released in May and August of 2003, potentially earning both films a spot on the 2004 Hugo ballot ("The Matrix" was on the 2000 ballot, but lost to "Galaxy Quest."). In addition to Reaves, both films will see actors Lawrence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss reprise their roles.
Big Spider-Man Debut
Tom Sutton (b.1937) broke into comics in the early 1960s doing black and white horror comics for Warren Publishing. He quickly began doing work for Marvel, DC, Charlton and Skywald. His DC work appeared as a penciller for Star Trek and for Marvel as an inker for Conan the Barbarian and Planet of the Apes.
Midwestern science fiction fan Michael Lowrey (a.k.a. "Orange Mike" for his monotone fashion sense) will appear on the Comedy Channel's game show "Win Ben Stein's Money" on Monday, May 6, 2002.
Paramount Aims at Star Trek Pirates
British SF publisher Big Engine has announced that it will begin publishing a new bimonthly science fiction magazine, 3SF, in October of 2002. The editor will be Liz Holliday, former editor of Odyssey. Regular features will include book reviews by Gwyneth Jones and SF Site's own Rich Horton, Media coverage by Alex Stewart, a writing column by Christy Hardin Smith, and a series of reader's guide to various sub-genres. An annual subscription will run either £20 (Britain) or $42 (Overseas). They will be offering discounts to members of the Glasgow Worldcon. 3SF's website can be found at http://www.3sfmag.co.uk/.
Bookstore Reopens
SFWA Bulletin Editor Resigns
SFWA Elections
Nebula Awards
April Obituaries
Henry Slesar (b1927) had a writing career which spanned six decades. Several of his short stories were written in collaboration with Harlan Ellison, and he also published solo novels. Slesar, who also used the pseudonym O.H. Leslie, also wrote mysteries and won an Edgar Award for the novel The Grey Flannel Shroud. He was a writer for the soap opera "The Edge of Night" and also contributed scripts to "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Jon Gustafson was an art historian who wrote columns about SF art for a variety of publications, including Pulphouse, Figment, and Science Fiction Review. He published several biographies in the first edition of the Science Fiction Encyclopedia (1979) and the biography Chroma: The Art of Alex Schomberg (1986). A member of the so-called Moscow Moffia, he had several short stories published. Damon Knight (b1922) was an author, reviewer, editor and historian of science fiction, whose contributions not only included his fiction, but his early history of fandom, The Futurians (1977) and the foundation of both the Clarion Writer's Workshop (1968) and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA, 1965). Prior to Clarion, Knight founded the Milford Writer's Workshop (1956), which continues to thrive in England. Knight began working as a reviewer with a deconstruction of A.E. van Vogt's serialized version of The World of Â, which appeared in Destiny's Child. His early reviews were collected in In Search of Wonder (1956), for which he received a Hugo Award. In 1975, the Science Fiction Research Association honored Knight with a Pilgrim Award. His best known short story was, perhaps, "To Serve Man," which was also made into an episode of "The Twilight Zone." In the 1960s, Knight began issuing reprint anthologies, which led, in 1966, to his creation of Orbit, an original anthology that ran for 21 issues. Knight was married to SF and mystery author Kate Wilhelm. Joan Harrison was the wife of author Harry Harrison. They had been married for 48 years. George Alex Effinger (b1948) was a part of the Clarion class of 1970 and had three stories in the first Clarion anthology. His first published story was "The Eight- Thirty to Nine Slot" in Fantastic in 1971. During his early period, he also published under a variety of pseudonyms. His first novel, What Entropy Means to Me (1972) was nominated for the Nebula Award. He achieved his greatest success, perhaps, with the trilogy of Marid Audran novels set in a 21st century Middle East, with cybernetic implants and modules allowing individuals to change their personalities or bodies. The novels are in fact set in a thinly veiled New Orleans, telling the fictionalized stories of the transvestites and other people Effinger knew in the slums of that city. The three published novels were When Gravity Fails (1987), A Fire in the Sun (1989) and The Exile Kiss (1991). He apparently wrote a fourth book. However, legal issues prevented its publication. His novelette, "Schrödinger's Kitten" (1988) received both the Hugo and Nebula Award. Other stories were the series of Maureen (Muffy) Birnbaum parodies which placed a preppy into a variety of science fictional, fantasy, and horror scenarios. Throughout his life, Effinger suffered from health problems. These resulted in enormous medical bills which he was unable to pay. A lawsuit by the hospital tied up the rights to all of his books and characters, causing a dearth of Effinger material. Eventually the suit was dropped and Effinger regained the rights to all his intellectual property. Effinger was married, for a few years, to fellow science fiction author Barbara Hambly. Richard Cowper (b1926) was the pseudonym for John Middleton Murry, Jr. He began using the name Richard Cowper in 1967 for the publication of the novel Breakthrough. He followed this with several other fantasy and science fiction novels, eventually achieving his greatest success with the Corlay Trilogy, comprised of The Road to Corlay (1978), A Dream of Kinship (1981) and A Tapestry in Time (1982). TheRoad to Corlay was nominated for a Nebula Award in 1979. Cowper attended the Milford Writer's Workshop in England.
Steven H Silver is a four-time Hugo Nominee for Best Fan Writer and the editor of the anthologies Wondrous Beginnings, Magical Beginnings, and Horrible Beginnings (DAW Books, January, February and March, 2003). In addition to maintaining several bibliographies and the Harry Turtledove website, Steven is heavily involved in convention running and publishes the fanzine Argentus.
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