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Galaxy's Edge #6

Galaxy's Edge #6
Galaxy's Edge
For writers: Galaxy's Edge does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Participation is by invitation only. They will not respond to unsolicited submissions.

For readers: Galaxy's Edge is a bi-monthly online magazine published every March, May, July, September, November, and January. The magazine is free for online viewing. Downloads are available for nominal fees from a variety of different venues.

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Past Feature Reviews
A review by Sandra Scholes

The sixth issue of Galaxy's Edge comes with an interesting range of science fiction stories from both known and unknown writers. Of the known; Andre Norton, Harry Turtledove and Barry Malzberg caught my eye even before I opened the magazine. In Mike Resnick's "The Editor's Word" column, he also introduces the newer writers featured in here; Gio Clairval, Marina J. Losteller, Brian Trent, Tina Gower and Jean-Claude Dunyach. Mike Resnick brings to our attention that the highest grossing movies of all time were science fiction, Star Wars, the Terminator series of movies, Independence Day and Men in Black. The main discussion point of his introduction is that musicals of science fiction never work well on Broadway, and he cites several examples. Science fiction has changed over the years since the 50s and there is no doubt it will continue changing, but I can't help but agree with him on his views on Stephen King's Carrie being made into a musical. Resnick also keeps his hand in with his movie review of The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit which is based on a story by Ray Bradbury. Bradbury is one of the most famous writers and readers will remember his The Illustrated Man paving the way for many other writers who enjoyed penning unusual stories on how technology will progress in the years to come.

Other reviews for novels are by Paul Cook on The Human Division by John Scalzi, The Night Sessions by Ken Macleod, At the Mouth of the River of Bees by Kij Johnson, The Mammoth Book of Steampunk edited by Sean Wallace, A Liaden Universe Constellation: Volume One by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Life on the Preservation by Jack Skillingstead and Time's Last Gift by Philip José Farmer.

Harry Turtledove kicks off the fiction with his "Myth Manners' Guide to Greek Mythology #1: Andromeda and Perseus," reprinted here after it was published in 1999 and tells of an instance in the lives of Zeus and Andromeda on Mount Olympus, and that if Zeus calls, you can never refuse. Turtledove makes light of the gods' troubles, especially Zeus's tendency to sleep with anything that moves male or female, but when the problem of gorgons rears its ugly head, he needs a woman's touch. It is well presented, written and funny with a nice twist at the end. "Intersection," by Gio Clairval is a very short story, one of the shortest in here. Mr Brown wakes up in a hospital bed recovering from an accident, only he has a problem, he's got an identity crisis that could cost him his marriage. If you like stories short and shocking, this one will suit you. Eric Flint's "The Etchings from Ceres," has Anibal Cruz brought over to look at some important video information about an alien artefact, but they aren't sure about it. The further they delve, the more dangerous the answer to it becomes.  The writer of fifty books, editor of Jim Baen's Universe and the publisher of the Grantville Gazette, his tale has the excitement that goes with any archaeological find. Marina J. Lostetter's "Imma Gonna Finish You Off," has detective Sordido find a body, Zanthaxerillion X, a homeless man who had nearly got to be a thousand years old if not for dying before his time. The strange aspect of this particular case is dying isn't exactly normal in that neighbourhood as no one has died in nearly a millennium. Being a 2013 Writers of the Future finalist, she has sold her stories to plenty of magazines; Prenumbra, and the Intergalactic Medicine Show, and it proved at least for me to be my favourite of all the stories.  What can I say, I love humour in my sci-fi?

Galaxy's Edge #6 always astonishes with their choice of cover art, this time using a Matrix-style black and neon green colour palette with the image of a naked woman taking to the air. You are left wondering whether she is human, android or alien, but that is the point of the cover art I think. This issue has a nice collection of reviews, editorial, fiction and the sort of quality stuff you would come to expect from this relatively new science fiction magazine.

Copyright © 2014 Sandra Scholes

Last year Sandra couldn't believe how many emails she had sent to various people and wanted to be entered into the Guinness Book of Records for doing so - when she isn't thinking about stuff like this, she writes tirelessly for Albedo One, The British Fantasy Society, Hellnotes and Fantasy Book Review

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