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October/November 2000
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Coming Attractions

The December issue will take us into our fifty-second year of publication in fine form. Our cover story comes to us courtesy of Albert Cowdrey, who returns to the same milieu we first encountered back in March in "Crux." "Mosh" takes us farther into the future---and then back in time to our near-future---and before it all gets confusing, let it suffice to say that the results are never what you expect when you try to shape history.

For a very different sort of history, next month S. N. Dyer will bring us back to the San Francisco scene of the late 1960s. "Sunrise Blues" examines the fate of a band that once was very popular, and considers whether rock 'n' roll and the undead go together well.

What will 2001 bring? Adventures, capers, yarns, and tales from old contributors and new, among them Amy Sterling Casil, Richard Chwedyk, Carol Emshwiller, Nancy Etchemendy, Harvey Jacobs, and Robert Reed. Keep that subscription up to date so you can be sure you won't miss any of the upcoming issues.

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