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Free Fiction Friday: Benjamin Rosenbaum

Benjamin Rosenbaum’s first published work of fiction was “The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale,” which appeared in the pages of F&SF back in our July 2001 issue. Since then, he’s published a number of fine tales, several of which have been nominated for the field’s major awards, including the Hugo Award (twice), the Nebula Award, and the World Fantasy Award. Most of said stories will be gathered together into his first short fiction collection, The Ant King and Other Stories, which is forthcoming in August from Small Beer Press.

In addition to the award nominations previously mentioned, Ben has also twice been a finalist for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award. Once for his 2006 story “The House Beyond Your Sky” and once for this story, “Start the Clock,” from our August 2004 issue, which you can read in its entirety on Ben’s website.

[Edit: Ben’s F&SF debut, “The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale” is now available as a podcast from PodCastle.]


One Response to “Free Fiction Friday: Benjamin Rosenbaum”

  1. jeastha on November 19th, 2008

    Benjamin Rosenbaum grew up in Arlington, Virginia, and attended Brown University, earning degrees in computer science and religious studies. He makes a living as a computer programmer, and has lived in Israel, Italy, and Switzerland. mall Beer is simply an awesome outfit. and have known Gavin and Kelly for years, and they are fun, delightful, smart people of flabbergasting integrity.

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