F&SF, August 2008 now on sale
The August 2008 issue is now on sale. This issue includes the story "The Political Prisoner" by Charles Coleman Finlay, so our free reprint this month is "The Political Officer" which is set in the same universe.
This issue also features the debut of our new reviewer, Chris Moriarty. See Gordon’s editorial for more details.
Here’s the whole table of contents:
- The Political Prisoner – Charles Coleman Finlay
- Childrun – Marc Laidlaw
- But Wait! There’s More! – Richard Mueller
- An Open Letter to Earth – Scott Dalrymple
- Another Perfect Day – Steven Popkes
- Bounty – Rand B. Lee
- Editorial – Gordon Van Gelder
- Books to Look For – Charles de Lint, covering Mind the Gap by Christopher Golden and Tim Lebbon; Heart of Stone and House of Cards by C. E. Murphy; and Jumper: Jumpscars by Nunzio Defilippis, Christina Weir, and Brian Hurtt.
- Books – Chris Moriarty, covering Pebble in the Sky by Isaac Asimov; The Null-A Continuum by John C. Wright; Lorelei of the Red Mist by Leigh Brackett; The Secret of Sinharat and People of the Talisman by Leigh Brackett; and The Martian General’s Daughter by Theodore Judson.
- Film: Not with a Bang, But with the Sex Pistols – Lucius Shepard, covering Doomsday.
- Coming Attractions
- Curiosities – David Langford, covering Adrift in the Stratosphere, by Professor A.M. Low (1937).
- Bill Long
- Kent Bash for "The Political Prisoner"
3 Responses to “F&SF, August 2008 now on sale”
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Dude ! ! ! August Issue ? ? ?
Well if there is any hint or clue to the “Slush Pile” you guys have and continue to add to – it is probably the fact that July 7 is already sees August 2008 issue for sale.
Best Wishes,
Ujjwal Dey
arived in Sofia Bulgaria on the 17th.
This is my third issue.
While in Europe SF is loosing ground, I’m glad to read how is still growing in
quality in USA.
Thanks guys, keep up the good work.