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Interview: Douglas A. Anderson on Evangeline Walton


– Tell us a little about Evangeline Walton.

Evangeline Walton was born Evangeline Ensley—the “Walton” came from a family name which she used to form her penname.  She was an only child, with a very large and close family on her mother’s side.  She was born in 1907 in Indianapolis, and raised there.  Her parents divorced when she was in her teens, and after WWII she and her mother moved permanently to Tucson, Arizona, where Evangeline lived until her death in 1996. 

– In what ways would you say that Ms. Walton has left her mark on fantasy fiction?

She is perhaps best remembered for her four-volume reworking of the Mabinogion, the Welsh mythological cycle.   The first volume was originally published as The Virgin and the Swine (1936), but was retitled Island of the Mighty when it was republished in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series in 1970.  The subsequent volumes are The Children of Llyr (1971), The Song of Rhiannon (1972) and Prince of Annwn (1974). 

            Walton also published a fine novel of witchcraft, Witch House, the first original novel published by August Derleth’s Arkham House in 1945.  A new expanded edition, including a long prologue originally published only in the 1950 British edition, together with some previously unpublished chapters from another witchcraft novel, will be coming out in 2012 from Centipede Press. 

            Another of Walton’s books, The Cross and the Sword (1956), is a very fine novel about the about the clash of the Vikings and Christians a thousand years ago. It has had an unfortunate publishing history.  The manuscript was considerably chopped and altered by the publisher without her consent. Even the title was changed (her original title was Dark Runs the Road).  We hope to see the complete novel published. 

– How did “They That Have Wings” come to light, and why was it only now discovered, fifteen years after her passing?

Walton’s papers were left in disorder at her death in 1996, and after being roughly sorted they were stored in California by her family.  More recently the large number of boxes have been sent to Walton’s literary heir in Chicago, Debra Hammond, and I’ve worked with Debra in further sorting and reading, based on the pioneering categorization done by Debra’s mother.  With some manuscripts the whole process was easy, but with others the difficulties have been great.  For instance, in the mid-1940s Evangeline wrote a trilogy of novels about Theseus.  In the mid-1950s she wrote entirely new versions of all three books, but then put them on hold after Mary Renault starting publishing her Theseus books.  In the 1970s, after the success of the Ballantine editions of her four volumes of the Mabinogion, Walton visited Greece and started reworking the trilogy.  So imagine taking three different versions of three related novels, plus various carbon copies, and mixing all of the pages in a metaphorical blender.  I think there is something like eighteen or twenty linear feet of papers related to Theseus, so the sorting of these papers has been the most difficult.  Walton published a revision of the first volume, The Sword Is Forged, in 1983, and that serves as a basic point of reference.  But there remains a lot of work to be done with all the Theseus papers. 

– Does this story have any connection with Walton’s own experiences?  Did she, for example, know someone who fought in the Greek Theater of WWII?

No connections or personal experiences that I know of, but Evangeline was widely read and had a close circle of friends with whom she discussed the events of the day as well as her own writings, so there possibly could have been some related thread or inspiration.  More likely, though, was her wide reading in mythological studies, and thus the idea of putting modern clothes on an old mythological legend. 

– Would you say that “They That Have Wings” is typical of Ms. Walton’s writing in subject matter, style, etc., or is it an unusual example of her work?

What makes it very typical is that it takes a mythological (or fantastical) concept and puts living flesh to the idea, making it especially real.  In the most general sense that is what many of her stories do, and do so well.  With regard to details of this particular story, it may seem uncharacteristic because Walton is best-known for using Celtic materials, but the Greek stories were very important to her too, and she did work on her Theseus books for something like five decades.

– As Ms. Walton’s literary agent and in going through her papers, is there anything else you would like to add?

It’s been a fascinating endeavor, because going into it you have no idea what might be there.  Walton did not write for a living, and did not have a pressure to publish what she wrote.  So among the surprises have been a complete Gothic novel that she wrote in the 1960s, and a fine children’s fantasy novel that she wrote in the early 1940s called The Forest That Would Not Be Cut Down.  There are two related mystery novels (and two more novels that I haven’t read yet).  A verse-play titled Swan-Wife (about the Norse King Harald’s passion for a witch), some of Walton’s own translations of Wagner (Parsifal and Siegfried), and various shorter works.  I’ve put together a collection of her ten completed fantasy stories.  This includes her brilliant Breton tales that first saw publication in some anthologies in the early 1980s (though they were written many years earlier), as well as her sole story in the legendary Weird Tales magazine from 1950, and the newly-published “They That Have Wings”, along with a few other unpublished tales.  We’re also working doing the full version of The Cross and the Sword, and considering what is the best way to share the Theseus novels.  We’ve just begun a website ( where we’ll post news as things become settled.  It’s all very exciting.

 Ms. Walton’s posthumous short story, “They That Have Wings,” appears in the November/December 2011 issue of F&SF.


4 Responses to “Interview: Douglas A. Anderson on Evangeline Walton”

  1. Doug Anderson interviewed by F&SF | Evangeline Walton on November 24th, 2011

    […] by Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine about Evangeline Walton and her legacy. Read the interview. This entry was posted in Writings. Bookmark the permalink. ← Newly published short […]

  2. Lorinda J. Taylor on November 28th, 2011

    I am so pleased to see that Evangeline Walton is getting the attention that she deserves. What Douglas Anderson says about taking a mythological (or fantastical) concept and putting living flesh to the idea, making it especially real – that is exactly what I think great fantasy (and science fiction as well) ought to do, and Evangeline Walton was superb at it.
    She has long been at the top of my list of favorite authors; I’ve read the Mabinogion books many times and I have also read “The Sword Is Forged.” Reading more about her both here and on the new website is making me feel like rushing out and
    buying some of her other books! I’ll be eagerly anticipating any new publication that appears in the future!

  3. Lorinda J. Taylor on November 28th, 2011

    I need to say, I tried to register with this website and it wouldn’t take the password you assigned me, so I set up a profile with a new password and it won’t take that one, either, so something must be wrong.
    However that is, I wanted to say that I’m so pleased that Evangeline Walton is getting the recognition she deserves. Her Mabinogion tetralogy has long been at the very top of my favorites list; in fact “The Island of the Mighty” plays a central role in a science fiction novel that I’m preparing to self-publish and my search for the copyright holder of the book is what led me to this website. I’d appreciate it if you could give me the appropriate information at the email address above as to where I can apply for permission to use quotations from “Island of the Mighty.” If you want to know more about my novel, please go to website listed above.

  4. Lorinda J. Taylor on November 28th, 2011

    Please ignore the second comment post. I was trying to post it on the Evangeline Walton website and it ended up here. Blast computers, anyway!

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