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Online-only genre magazines

There’s a good article here.

It’s one of the least biased, best-researched, and most level-headed pieces I’ve seen on the subject to date. The lack of consideration of JIM BAEN’S UNIVERSE is unfortunate, but JBU is only entering its third year and I’m not sure how useful info on the magazine would be. I also wish there was some mention of that short-lived online magazine Amy Stout was editing around 1999. I forget the name, but I think “Galaxy” was in the title.

It looks like the author of the piece (Simon Owens, I assume) didn’t speak with any of the current print magazines but just took the info in LOCUS at face value. And it’s understandable why he would do so . . . but it’s equally understandable why I, a print magazine publisher, would note this omission. The assumption that print magazines are doomed is, I think, a false assumption.

As far as I can tell, the smartest thing anyone has said yet about electronic publishing is Eric Flint’s comment that, “People don’t want e-books. They don’t want print books. They want both.”

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