Cities | ||||||||
edited by Peter Crowther | ||||||||
Gollancz, 292 pages | ||||||||
A review by Steven H Silver
This is a good starting point, because the real hero of A Year in the
Linear City, despite the appearance of characters such as Diego Patchen
and Zohar Kush, is the titular city itself, which evokes Mervyn Peake's
massive structure, Gormenghast. Di Filippo presents a series of
incidents which occur throughout the course of a year as Diego Patchen
builds up his career as an author of Cosmogonic Fiction and his
relationship with the fire fighting Amazon, Volusia Bittern. Even as
life on those two fronts move forward, he runs into problems with his
aging father, Gaddis Patchen and his long-time friend, Zohar Kush, whose
life is going in the opposite direction as he deals with his
girlfriend's heroin addiction. Although there is little in the way of
anything that could be called a plot, Gritsavage, Palmerdale, and the
other boroughs of the Linear City reek of atmosphere which carried the
story through to its end (which can hardly be called a conclusion).
China Miéville's New Crobuzan has many of the same traits as Di
Filippo's Linear City, but it is not the subject of his story The
Tain. Instead, Miéville visits New Crobuzon's model London in this
post-apocalyptic tale. Vastly depopulated of humans and now home to
numerous imagos and vampires, the London of The Tain shares a feel
with the classic novel The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham. Miéville
focuses his attention on Sholl, a loner and survivor who finds time to
question the existence of the imagos and, eventually, commandeers a
troop of irregulars to help him gain answers. Miéville also tells the
story of an imago who has made his way from the other side of the mirror
world, which has invaded our world. The opposing (literally) viewpoints,
raise the story above the level of simply the tale of survival and
invasion. Furthermore, the story is written with Miéville's standard
exceptional flair for atmosphere and his catastrophic London comes alive.
While Michael Moorcock has frequently featured London in his stories,
from the novels Mother London and King of the City to the various tales
of Jerry Cornelius, the Jerry Cornelius story Firing the Cathedral is
set in a world similar to our modern world. Not focusing as much on
cities as the previous stories, but very closely tied to the events and
aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Moorcock's scattershot writing style in Firing the Cathedral, and even
more importantly his scattershot social commentary, will not be to every
reader's taste, and nearly everyone will find some opinion in the work
to be offensive. Such would appear to be, at least in part, Moorcock's
motive in writing this novella, to stir up real thought about the events
which is frequently lacking in the blind jingoism being expressed by so
many in Moorcock's adopted country.
Geoff Ryman examines society's response to growing older in V.A.O. The
novella is set within the confines of the Happy Farm retirement center
and focuses on Alistair Brewster, who manages to cover his extreme costs
by using his computer to hack into bank accounts and siphon off small
amounts. Brewster's past included major work on the creation of VAO,
Victim Activated Ordinance, which is used by security firms to target
trespassers whose features are not in the security systems' database.
Retirees who can't afford the high cost of managed living are finding
themselves in street gangs, acting out Age Rage. Their leader, the
enigmatic Silhouette, has found a way to use VAO against its owners.
Ryman employs humor in his cautionary tale which manages to provide both
an expected and a surprise ending in a relatively short space.
The four novellas collected in Cities live up to the standards set by PS
Publishing for their individually published books and provide the
fiction with an outlet which can reach a broader range of readers than
the limited publication these stories have previously achieved.
Steven H Silver is a four-time Hugo Nominee for Best Fan Writer and the editor of the anthologies Wondrous Beginnings, Magical Beginnings, and Horrible Beginnings (DAW Books, January, February and March, 2003). In addition to maintaining several bibliographies and the Harry Turtledove website, Steven is heavily involved in convention running and publishes the fanzine Argentus. |
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