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Interzone #244, January/February 2013

Interzone #244, January/February 2013
Interzone, Britain's leading science-fiction and fantasy magazine, founded in 1982, has now reached 200 issues. Short-listed for the Hugo Award many years running, and a Hugo winner in 1995, it has a high reputation around the world.

Interzone has published short stories by many of the big names of the field, from Brian Aldiss and J.G. Ballard to Ian Watson and Gene Wolfe, but its particular strength has been in the nurturing of newer writers.

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A review by Sandra Scholes

Interzone has been around for quite a long time. It's gone from being A4 size to being a downsized, pocket edition overnight with a thicker cover graced by well-known artist Jim Burns who has also been in the fantasy art business for a while, so it figures that he would be a part of this 244th issue. In "Interface," the editor sees this new look issue in terms of how far the magazine has evolved within fifty issues. Magazines do change after a while, so it is only fitting that this issue marks a well thought out transformation. They look back in previous issues as an example of their progress each issue and its theme without them really knowing why at the time. What might surprise some readers is the fact it has been for thirty years the magazine has been published and they must realise that time itself has flown by. As good as it is to see the magazine has continued to include powerful and insightful writers, there is another magazine out there for those stories that don't quite fit into Interzone, Black Static or Crimewave -- it's called Flux. This issue will be sent to subscribers of Interzone and Black Static gratis, which is jolly nice of them.

In "Interface," David Langford's Ansible Link tells all the latest news and views from the written world -- some of it serious, but the rest is humorous, especially Thog's Masterclass and Publishers and Sinners, while the RIP section makes interesting reading. One way readers of the mag can get their views across to the editor is by voting in the "Readers' Poll" as Martin McGrath will be overseeing the poll where readers can vote for and against any number of stories published in issues #238 - #243. A list of between four and five titles and authors is included in this one page section along with three ways you can send in your vote.

Their editorial section is comprised of reviews and interviews, two to be exact with Saladin Ahmed and Karin Tidbeck. "Book Zone" goes through the process of analysing Saladin Ahmed's Throne of the Crescent Moon, which is an Arabian Nights themed fantasy about a ghul-hunter and his Dervish assistant who get a young boy sent to them. As it is a debut work of his, Ian Sales felt the need to interview him based on the book's promise. In the author interview, he has some interesting points in his questions such as "Adoulla is an old man, close to retirement," so why make him the hero of the story? His answer to this one might also question the idea of heroes in modern fantasy, or it may encouragement to create a new genre. Other notable books reviewed are Nexus by Ramez Naam, Bedlam by Christopher Brookmyre, Steampunk 3 edited by Ann VanderMeer, Taken by Benedict Jacka, Origin by JT Brannan, Helix Wars by Eve Brown, In Other Worlds by Margaret Atwood, The Corpse-Rat King by Lee Battersby and The Creative Fire by Brenda Cooper. Jagannath is the last one, written by Karin Tidbeck, a Swedish writer who started to translate her work into English, hence this book of short stories with a Kafka-esque twist. Her work is dark fantasy but can also be interpreted as science fiction. In the interview with Stephen Theaker, she gets to choose her favourite stories, writers and comments on why she admires her character Arvid Pekon so much.

In among all the book reviews and news there is a nice selection of stories from Jim Hawkins, Guy Haley, Helen Jackson and Lavie Tidhar. Lavie Tidhar's "The Book Seller," has Achimwene visiting the local book seller, an outdoor vendor who has a box of very old pulp paperbacks that are yellowed with age. These thrill Achimwene to bits, taking him to bygone places he had never before visited. There is a theme running through these stories, or some of them to be exact, but it is up to the reader to find this out in the first case as it is much more fun that way. One thing readers will notice is that the stories never disappoint, or bore as they have been well edited and carefully crafted by their respective editors and writers. This magazine is tailored to those who can appreciate both the old and the new science fiction stories, and will have a special place in the hearts of many.

Copyright © 2013 Sandra Scholes

Sandra still has plenty of reviewing to do which she doesn't think she will get through this year, but when she does, she'll be happy. Otherwise, she's been published in Active Anime, Love Romance Passion, Fantasy Book Review, The British Fantasy Society and Rainbow Book Reviews.

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