Past Feature Reviews
One way is to use a series of pages built in alphabetical order by authors' last
name -- one or more pages for each letter (plus those for Mc) as well as separate pages for selected authors which appear below the graphic alphabetic grid.
All but some recent reviews are listed on these pages. Links to the recent ones appear on the
Recent Feature Reviews Page.
Back Issues
Another way is to use the front page of each issue. Those are the links below.
They are copies of the front pages we have posted twice each month since beginning our use of the issue format.
There, you'll find reference to the headings we've added for certain titles. Some are self-explanatory, like
Non-Fiction or First Novel. Others like Second Look consider
newly reprinted titles originally released some time ago or titles out for some time now but
that we feel merit another look.
If you find any errors, typos or other stuff worth mentioning,
please send it to
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