Welcome to the most comprehensive directory of science fiction, fantasy and horror writers on the Web. We are constantly updating this site as new authors appear, and as fans post informative sites devoted to their favorite writers. Authors are listed alphabetically by last name. If you know of any sites which should be included, be sure to let us know.

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Author Pages
Linda Nagata
Pati Nagle
Joseph Nassise
Yvonne Navarro
Vera Nazarian
'Grant Naylor'
Linda Needham
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Ray Nelson
David L. Nemzoff
Josef Nesvadba
Ryck Neube
Robert Newcomb
Kim Newman
Stan Nicholls
Lyn D. Nichols
Nichelle Nichols
Scott Nicholson
Jack Nimersheim
David Nickle
Leonard Nimoy
Larry Niven
Garth Nix
Jeff Noon
G. David Nordley
Lisanne Norman
Andre Norton
Patricia Duffy Novak
Rachel Nunes
Jody Lynn Nye

Tribute Pages
Linda Nagata
Jamil Nasir
'Grant Naylor'
Rebecca Neason
Peter Nicholls
Scott Nicholson
Larry Niven
Garth Nix
Ted Nolan
Jeff Noon
  Jeff Noon
John Norman
  John Norman
Andre Norton
  Andre Norton
  Andre Norton
Warren Norwood
Alan Nourse
Jody Lynn Nye
Eric Nylund

Linda Nagata
Linda Nagata grew up on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Moving to Honolulu, she earned a degree in zoology from the University of Hawaii. Moving on to Maui, she married Ron Nagata where they still live with their two children.

Stan Nicholls
From 1971 to 1973, Stan Nicholls co-owned and managed Bookends, a general/specialist science fiction book shop in West London. In 1973 he became a MS reader for Sphere Books, then for Penguin and Rider Books. Later, he joined the Forbidden Planet retail chain in 1976 and stayed until 1981. He's been a full-time freelance writer since 1981 with work appearing in such diverse markets as The Guardian, The Independent, Daily Mirror, Film Monthly, Rolling Stone, Interzone, Comic World and North London Independent local newspaper groups. In 1995, he began working as Advisory Editor for Little, Brown's science fiction imprint, Orbit. He is a freelance copywriter, contributing to several major advertising campaigns for agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi.

Patrick Nielsen Hayden Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Patrick Nielsen Hayden is the editor of Starlight 1 (Tor, 1996) and the forthcoming Alternate Skiffy, a (Wildside) original anthology, set in alternate worlds where "the history of SF itself went differently". But Hayden is best known as an editor at Tor books where he is, along with his wife Teresa, also the highly capable webmaster of Tor books.

Larry Niven: Known Space
Originally, this page began as a repository for information related to Larry Niven's Known Space series of novels and short stories. It has been extended since to cover pretty much anything related to Larry Niven's work.

Jeff Noon
Jeff Noon studied Combined Arts (Painting and Drama) at Manchester University. In his final year, he wrote a play about the aftermath of the Falklands War. Woundings went on to win a Mobil Prize and was performed at the R oyal Exchange Theatre in Manchester, where he was writer-in-residence for 18 months. To support himself, he took a job at Waterstone's bookshop in Manchester. While there, a writing request resulted in Vurt, which won him the Arthur C Clarke Award for Science Fiction in 1994. Noon is the author of four other novels: Pollen, Automated Alice, Nymphomation, and Needle in the Groove; and a collection of short stories, Pixel Juice.

Andre Norton
Andre Norton was born in 1912 in Cleveland, Ohio. Her given name was Alice Mary Norton and legally changed in 1934. She attended Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve University) in 1930-32 and worked in Cleveland Public Library as a children's librarian (1930-41, 1942-51) and as an editor for Gnome Press (1950-58). She is the Grand Dame of Science Fiction, with an enormous number of SF and Fantasy books to her credit, including the classic Witchworld saga.

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